as i have posted here several times, one of the funniest people i know--and am proud to call 'friend'--is none other than comics legend, fred hembeck! for those of you not familiar with fred's work, you'd better hustle over to his wonderfully wacky site at
and get hip to this timely tip!
many of you might know fred from his turns at destroying the dc universe and roasting the fantastic four! you might know him from his always informative, always unpredictable weekly strip in the comics buyers guide! me, aside from playing countless hours of rapid-fire volleyball with the guy, i remember fred...
...from his hilarious strips back in the 80's when he published book after book of some-might-say-surreal interviews with the heroes and villains of the day!
see, fred, making real the dreams of EVERY comics fanboy, actually drew himself into the strips as the official and accepted interviewer of the marvel and dc universes! he would chat with superman and batman, spidey and the fantastic four, and--one of my favorites--a tell-all interview with scott summers and jean grey pre-death of the phoenix saga! fred asked the hard-hitting questions with hilarious results! what happens when you introduce the human torch to the martian manhunter? green arrow and hawkeye? namor and aquaman?
books published by the now defunct fantaco included:
dateline: hembeck
%$*! hembeck
the hembeck files
and more...
so what am i bringing all this up for?
well, i'm glad you asked!
our pals at image comics (man, i'm hawkin' a lotta image comics these days...) have unearthed these buried gems and stuck 'em all together with glue to create

this mighty tome will be weighing in at 900+ pages and will include
foreword by stan lee!
going on sale in february so look for it in upcoming previews!
and now that you know that...
below is a haunting true tale--and illustration!--from our pal, john mcgill!
john was kind enough to send this over to me to add to our halloween fun and i'm thrilled that he was kind enough to share it with us.
so without further ado...
A childhood memory...
When I was nine, my mother had to work nights at Dunkin' Donuts (a
local donut/coffee shop), so she would leave me in the care of my older
sister. This proved to be problematic due to her being in her teens; she
would leave me alone in the house until right before my mom got home. I
didn't squeel due to her being older, and bigger than me (her threats
were legendary).
One night, the cycle began; Mom left for work, and older sis waited a
few minutes then took off herself--forbidding me to not set the house
aflame. I was in my own world, tv and g.i. joes kept me company.
Then I heard it...
We had huge, oak, double doors to our home- to hear the pounding I
heard would have to come from someone, or something big. It shook me out of my
daze into tv land (different strokes did that to me-funny). We had a
sunk-in living room that led to the kitchen, and from there you could go
into the front room where the front door is. Our front room had these
huge windows that ran from the front door to the back through the
dining room (prob be better if I drew a pic). I made it up the stairs to
peek over by the door.
What I saw froze me in my tracks.
A very strange-looking man was peering into my house in my direction.
He had a long mustache and he was either smiling really big, or missing
parts of his face. His right hand touched the window with a thud.
Still frozen, I watched him look all around my house; I didn't know what to
do. He saw me as he squinted his shiny eyes at me. As I stared at him,
I saw my bike in the yard. I say this due to it being behind him in
the yard. He had no legs! I can see his head, chest, and arms; under his
tattered shirt lied nothing but my yard! I could have sworn to see rope
around his neck as well.
We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally
something told me to call the cops. The phone was right there on the wall in
arms reach of the kitchen. I grabbed it and turned to dial the police.
As I looked up to see the scary man, he had disappeared.
It turned into a big mess from there, and big sis got caught and in
serious trouble...she didn't like me too much after that.
Hope you liked it...It still scares me today to think of what that guy
looked like.
I think about it now, and who knows what I saw. Seems like yesterday
when I do ponder about it (and I do not like to think about that too
John McGill

illustration by john mcgill
thanks, john! that's worth a nightmare or two!
we'll have another scary reader entry on monday
as well as the answers to your
"five for friday"
1. name all five "apes" movies in order.
2. what was the name of the orangutan in "every which way but loose"?
3. what was the name of the ape in dc's "angel and the ape"?
4. what legendary comics artist created "monkeyman and o'brien"?
5. what was the name of the 1980's matthew brodrick film that garnered so much trouble from the humane society over the treatment of the monkeys?
* extra credit~~ name the monkees!
s'all for now!
smell ya later!
OK...let's give it a shot...
1. not 100% about the order, but
Planet of the Apes
Beneath the PotA
Battle for the PotA
Escape from the PotA
Conquest of the PotA
2. Clyde
3. ???
4. ???
5. Project X
Bonus.... Davey Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz
An excellent chilling little story, McGill.
Portal beat me to the answers I knew except:
#4 is Art Adams.
Holy Shoot! That's some scarey stuff! I think I'd have to force my family to move after that.
1)Planet of the Apes, Beneath Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, Battle for Planet of the Apes.
4)Art Adams
5)Project X, parts of that movie made 9 year old Adam very sad.
Extra Credit: Peter Tork, Mickey Dolens, Davey Jones, Mike Nesmith (who's mom invented White-Out!)
Great scary tale.
Go Red Sox and now for the Friday Five.
1. Planet of the Apes, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes (first one I saw in the movie theatre) Return to the Planet of the Apes and Battle for the Planet of the Apes.
2. Clyde.
3. ?
4. Art Adams
5. ?
Bonus: Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Micky Dolan
First, John that was a great story. I'm fairly certain that if that had been my story, it would have ended with paper towels and cleaning up fluids from the floor. Nice illustration too.
1) PLanet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Return to the Planet of the Apes
2) Earl??
3) ---
Boy, i sucked it up on trivia this week
wow, there HAS been a lot of talk about image lately, huh?
interesting. (and even a mention of art adams... hmmm.... curious stuff, i tell ya.)
and i can't believe nobody's gotten #4 yet... but i don't wanna spoil it for everybody else... but it's a gorilla who draws comics...! come on!
now i need to go watch some planet of the apes this weekend (when i'm not busy with the sox and pats games).
heck, i menght even watch the tim burton one for kicks...
Fred Hembeck rules!! I'm glad to see there's going to be this monster book coming out, can't wait to pick it up! I never got to read too much of his earlier stuff, just bits here and there but it was all great.
McGill-that was one hell of a story, thanks for sharing it, and thanks Todd for posting it! Must have been really scary at the time though. I probably would have hid in a closet or something haha!
And for the 'Five for':
1. name all five "apes" movies in order.
Planet, Beneath, Escape Conquest & Battle For
2. what was the name of the orangutan in "every which way but loose"?
3. what was the name of the ape in dc's "angel and the ape"?
4. what legendary comics artist created "monkeyman and o'brien"?
Art (kicks ass) Adams!
5. what was the name of the 1980's matthew brodrick film that garnered so much trouble from the humane society over the treatment of the monkeys?
*The Monkees are: Peter, Micky, Mike, and Davy
1. name all five "apes" movies in order. Planet of the Apes, Return to the Planet of the Apes, Battle for the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, then there was another Planet of the Apes... but I'm not sure about the names.
2. what was the name of the orangutan in "every which way but loose"? Clide
3. what was the name of the ape in dc's "angel and the ape"? Um... don't know.. Ape?
4. what legendary comics artist created "monkeyman and o'brien"? Art Adams!
5. what was the name of the 1980's matthew brodrick film that garnered so much trouble from the humane society over the treatment of the monkeys? Project X
* extra credit~~ name the monkees!
Micky, Davy, Peter and my favorite Mike!
Great story, and lookin' forward to Fred's book!
I had never heard of Hembeck or these interviews. Looks like it'll be lots of fun. I'll definietly take one 'o them books. (Hope Image is greatful of all your advertising).
McGill's story sounds really creepy.Thanks for sharing it.
The drawing is great (and to think that's something he remembers seeing!)
The 5:
1. Planet of the Apes,Beneath the Planet ofthe Apes, Conquest of...
(that's all I've got)
2. Clyde (as in "Right turn, Clyde")
3. -
4. -
5. Project ? (something)
EC* Davey Jones, Michael Nesmith (w/watchcap), Peter Tork, Mickey Dolenz (who actually did most of the signing on the songs)
OK, I just peeked - 5. project X
Have a great one !
Creepy as hell story. Creepy as hell illustration.
I told todd that everytime I thought about it, I look over my shoulder.Oo
The drawing doesn't do what I actually saw justice, I had to give it a more cartoon feel (due to I have the piece in my files now).
I slept under the covers (no matter what time of year) for quite a time after that.
1. Planet of the Apes
Beneath the Planet of the Apes...
that's all I got
2. Lucille
3. Dunno
4. Arthur Adams
5. Project X
* extra credit~~ Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mike Nesbit, Peter Tork
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