hope the new year's treatin' ya good...!
alison always gets the good stuff--
Northern Lights Over Teepees
These are spectacular and the teepees are so pretty in the dark but,
check out that thermometer!

talkin' squaddies...!
when i posted a couple of the super hero squad figures i got for christmas last week, i opened the door for anyone--anyone else who might be collecting these, that is--to send in a picture of their hard-to-get acquisitions. here, nic carcieri (portal comics) shared a figure that happens to be very near and dear to my heart--the ben reilly spider-man! nic pointed out that they really should just go ahead and call him by his real name--the scarlett spider!!
have a good monday!
smell ya later!
Wow, those Norther Light pictures are spectacular, but I'm very happy I got to see them without having to brave those bone chilling temps.
Starting the new year with a mild ankle sprain thanks to a slightly missed last step in the cellar. Lucky for me, this was after I finished pulling back the latest blanekt of white mother nature decided to lay on my driveway.
hey, brian~!
wow. so sorry to hear about that injury--that can slow you down for a while...and make sure that when you're "healed" you check with a chiropractor to make sure you adjusted correctly. when i first went to mine she asked me, "when did you sprain your left ankle?" i said, "3 years ago. how did you know?" she said, "you're still out of whack from it." i was amazed at how much better i felt after she "straightened me out."
Man those Northern Lights are impressive!
That's an interesting pairing for Ben to be included in. I've got a soft spot for the character (hoodie and all) and am enjoying the current Clone Saga mini. Todd, when you started on Sensational Spider-Man di you know that Ben was on his way out?
Brian, sorry to hear about your ankle. Feel better.
the original plan for the clone was that the arc would be told over the course of 6 issues--through the four spider-man books at the time--and then that would be it. the clone arrives, there is some concern over who is the real spidey, peter and mary jane go off into the sunset to raise their new baby, and the clone takes over as peter parker giving us a younger, unmarried, and still fairly novice spider-man.
then, when the clone appeared and sales went up, the marketing guys came and started telling the editor what to do--and he listened! and from there it just grew and grew into what it eventually became...
Those northern lights pictures really are staggering aren't they? You could probably see a million pics of them and it would never get played out.
That figure is awesome too. As a child of the Clone Saga Era, most of my early Spider-Man memories are of two Spider-Men swinging side by side. And sometimes of course just Ben.
One of my most vivid memories from those stories was one of yours Todd, in Web of Spider-Man 128 Who Will Wear the Webs?
The whole D'Spayre thing really floored me, it was the first time I'd read anything with him. And when Peter and Black Cat face off against him and all Felicia's inner feelings about Peter come out. She wanted to kill him. I was nine then and I can remember feeling so bad for her. She cut right to my heart in that one. There's so much depth to her character as she buries so much so deep to keep up appearances. I loved how much was brought to the surface then.
And of course it was priceless at the end when the powers wear off and she just gives Pete a peck on the cheek and swings off all cheerful and "say hi to MJ for me!" She was secured a special place in my heart from that point on. And that story always stuck with me.
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