back to the sketchbook...
when i handed fred the book at volleyball one night, i told him, "just a little something, a doodle, don't go crazy." we had been playing volleyball every week for a year or so by then and had become good friends. and fred is such a nice guy...
when he handed it back to me the following week, i thought the picture that he did--of his own comic book persona--was perfect! just what i wanted! i didn't realize at first that that was just the first page...

so i'm jumping around a bit, not really doing these in the order that they appear in the book, just to mix it up a bit...
i met dick giordano at heroescon in 1999. cully introduced us and acted as interpreter a bit, initially, as dick's hearing was probably a little more than half gone at the time. i had, of course, loved his work for years, and told him so, and he was curious and excited to know what i did (sensational spider-man at the time, so...) i got up to speed quickly and asked him for a sketch, which he very graciously did, as we yelled through a pleasant, but loud, conversation. it didn't help that we were in the basement of a loud and poorly lit bar.

and here are
"five for friday!"
1. in the original superman, what supertramp song is playing on the radio when lois gets swallowed by the san andreas fault?
2. what popular postman plays the role of a nuclear rocket technician?
3. lex luthor hijacks two nuclear missiles so as to make the man of steel choose. one is targeting the san andreas...where is the other one headed?
4. in tim burton's batman, what was the name of the joker's main henchman played by the inimitable tracy walters?
5. along with danny elfman, what 80s rock icon contributed music to the film?
bonus question; what 80s frenetic new wave band did danny elfman head up?
have a great weekend!
smell ya later~!
1. in the original superman, what supertramp song is playing on the radio when lois gets swallowed by the san andreas fault?
"Give a Little Bit"
2. what popular postman plays the role of a nuclear rocket technician?
John Ratzenberger ("Function negative, sir!"
3. lex luthor hijacks two nuclear missiles so as to make the man of steel choose. one is targeting the san andreas...where is the other one headed?
Hackensack, New Jersey
4. in tim burton's batman, what was the name of the joker's main henchman played by the inimitable tracy walters?
Bob, aka "Bob the Goon"
5. along with danny elfman, what 80s rock icon contributed music to the film?
Dang it, Jim! I just watched SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE this week! I was so ready to impress everyone.
Nice work, though.
Fred is THE MAN!
As for the 5 for, I was 0 for 5 as it has been a very long time since I've seen that film.
I did get to meet Christopher Reeve when he stayed at the hotel where I worked while filming "The Bostonians" and he was a very nice guy and we did share a "Superman" moment which gave him a chuckle.
The story has a visual component, so I cannot do it justice here in writing.
For the bonus...Oingo Boingo! Love me some "Weird Science".
And that Hembeck stuff was great..."little doodle"...Wow!
Your book is a gem, t, glad you got it back. (What would you do without Sharon.)
I didn't think I needed the bonus. I got them all right! ;)
Wowsers! I love your sketchbook!
I've talked with Mr. Giordano a few times at Heroes Con and he's a really great man. The stories he told this past summer at the Charlton panel were amazing. I love the guy! If I had to name the top five influences in comic book art, he'd be one of them for sure. One of my City of Heroes friends had the fantastic opportunity to have him as a tutor. She had nothing but good things to say about him.
Man Todd that's one helluva sketchbook you have there. I'm super jealous!!
I love Fred's style those swirly knees always crack me up!
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