more from my long lost sketchbook...
actually, these are the last from my long lost sketchbook. that i'm going to post, anyway. there are more here in the book, by artists and friends, some of them maybe a bit more personal or, in a couple cases maybe, too controversial. i'll leave it at that--i'm sure you understand.
but fear not; while waiting all those years for the return of my long lost book--i started up two more. neither of them filled up anything like the original (although there are plenty of blank pages left in that one as well...), but i'll start posting some of those next week to keep this friday sketchbook party rollin'!
but for today, here are the ones i saved for last...
jim starlin
i've dropped his name enough around here over the years, but by now you should know that i've played volleyball with jim for years and still freak my childhood (comic book) friends out now when i tell them that i'm friends with jim. he was just launching breed when he did this sketch, hence the comment...

pop mhan
karl kesel once said that he's never seen me not smiling--but that's how i feel about pop! i love this guy--and his lovely wife, golf--and i've always dug his stuff! i lobbied hard for pop to be the artist on young justice when editor eddie berganza and i were trying to put that book together ("too raw, too unknown...") and then again later when we needed a new artist on impulse (by then he was doing spyboy and was a big star!) two pages prior to this pop started a sketch and abandoned it, writing "this sucks!" on it. it actually looks pretty cool, but sometimes, these artists, y'know...?

joe jusko
the only stories i have about joe jusko are not suitable for this venue. let's just say one involves a strip club, one involves a cop's uniform, and one involves a salad and just let you make what you want out of them. joe's as fantastic a guy as he is an artist--love his stuff!!--and he was nice enough to ask me to be his partner in a pool game against his pal, tom savini, and i forget who else...mostly 'cause the one guy was tom savini. hard to shoot pool when your mouth is hanging open. joe drew me this sweet vampirella the next day.

eric wolfe-hanson
eric wolfe-hanson and i friended up at some show years ago--i think it was in charlotte--and he and i and his then-wife, trish, struck up a conversation that lasted long hours into the night. mike and i asked eric if he'd like to do a tellos story for us--this was while he was still tromping his portfolio around to editors and had yet to land some paying work, so we were very lucky when he said sure for the exposure. ultimately, he and i did several tellos stories over the years and he did several pieces in my sketchbook. this one 'cause i love batman so much and because he and trish loved jake so much when they came to the house for a weekend visit.

derek aucoin
though marvel didn't own any of the licensed characters from the micronauts, they suddenly discovered one day that they did own two or three that didn't come with the property--and most notably, bug. when i was asked to write up a one-shot to re-introduce him to the marvel universe, they paired me up with artist derek well as another guy who would go on to become a good friend and birthday sharer, rich faber. derek and i chatted a bit--he loved the fun that was in the silly story i came up with, but i now look back and realize that, as fun as it was, it probably wasn't the best way to re-integrate that clicking, chitinous cricket back into the fold. it was just a jaunty, jumpy journey through marvel history and didn't really establish his character or what he was all about. derek and rich drew it up purty, though, and for that i will always be grateful...!

adam pollina
when i met adam he was working on x-force and he was the hot--but humble--new artist at marvel and he had blue hair. i remember him laughing a lot and sometimes saying outrageous things and handing out a lot of those chupa-chups lollipops 'cause he had designed the logo or the packaging or something.
they were horrible.

that's it for now.
if you get a chance, try to catch monster quest (on the history channel) and check out their flatwoods creature episode. i have it on the dvr and haven't had a chance to see it yet, but warren says, "...It’s a large reptilian creature with two fingers on each hand that rides on a hovercraft and shoots people with poison gas! I’m not making this shit up!"
i would watch it for that endorsement alone!!!
also, i can't get enough of that old spice commercial, can you?
i've watched it at least ten times and i still laugh as hard as i did the first time...

have a great weekend!
smell ya later!
this is post no.703.
All great sketches, but the Pollina really stands out. Probably because of the Klimt/Scheile look and feel of it.
Gotta start tuning in to Monster Quest from the sounds of it. A hovercraft riding reptile with poison gas? Count me in!
man great stuff on the last of these.
and yes the adam pollina does stand out. i was a big fan of his mostly the rise of apocalypse mini he did. his recent angel run was very nice too.
Bug... Still one of my alltime favorite gigs. Plus, as you said, it was the impetus for our friendship. Got to love that! And hey, wasn't I supposed to ink the sketch of Derec's for you, once upon a time? Whatever happened to that...?
Ah, the good old days...
Secret sketches you say that are not suitable for the 'Haps all ages audience.
You MUST bring that book with you to Boston now.
Secret sketches you say that are not suitable for the 'Haps all ages audience.
You MUST bring that book with you to Boston now.
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