back in the early 80's, when i was young and stupid and brilliant and thought i was bullet-proof, i would frequent the one real bar in my little town on a pretty regular basis which i will now call almost every night. i would go with dennis, my best friend and roommate at the time, usually after hitting the nearby cinema to see that week's offering of horror or sci-fi or inane sophomoric comedy.
then we'd go to bob's.
our second home.
not to drink really. oh, we'd have a beer or two (or three) and i guess we liked it, but it was more to socialize with friends and tell stories and play games.
it was easy to get hooked on video games at the bar back then 'cause you really didn't have them at home. we played pac man and donkey kong and pulsar (loved that one!) and popeye and gorf and sinistar and tetris and...
big fun.
but probably one of the more illuminating things to do at bob's was to get into some kinda conversation with jim, the surly, burly, moustashioed, marine-cut bartender who didn't like nobody and especially anybody wearing a "queering". which i had.
jim played trivial pursuit, then a very new and very popular game, with a couple of the other, older regulars from time to time, always irritated when we'd interrupt him to ask for another round. jim was a veritable font of knowledge and amazed them all as he'd kick their asses night after night.
one night, giving pursuit a rest, jimmy produced a copy of "games" magazine and started quizzing his buddies with questions of logic. waiting for our beers, dennis overheard one and blurted out the answer. he was awesome at these and it took the rest of the night to finally stump him with one that, to this day, none of us understood. probably a misprint.
now dennis--and i, by association--are "okay".
and then came the trivial pursuit.
several nights later, as we once again were waiting at the bar, jim, frustrated by his opponent's lack of even a guess, tossed one of the questions at us--dennis mostly--and i shot back the answer. jim was startled to say the least. it was an "old" question--something someone my age couldn't remember and shouldn't know. he hit me with another. and another. and another. and i was on fire.
we started playing at the bar on a regular basis and dennis, jim, and i eventually signed up for the local IBM trivia championships where we went all the way to the finals--until they found out that none of us actually worked at IBM.

i said all that so i could say this; in looking for some fun trivia questions to give you for your "five for friday", i thought back to those cool logic questions back in "games" magazine. i was really good at the ones where they took a picture of some common object, magnified, like, 20 times and then you had to figure out what the hell it was.
the other ones were the "numbers and letters".
they would give you a line, kinda like an equation, that went something like this
24 H in a D
and you had to figure it out.
24 Hours in a Day
so that's what we're gonna do this week.
here are 10 fun ones. well, i hope at least ONE of them makes you think...
(i'm gonna put the "comments" on a delay so that you can't see everyone else's answers and then put them all up at once on sunday morning...'kay?)
1. 52 W in a Y
2. 12 D of C
3. 13 S on the A F
4. 100 Y on a F F
5. 52 C in a D
6. 6 K in the B B
7. 100 B of B on the W
8. 1440 M in a D
9. 9 I in a B G
10. 15 M on a D M C
have a wonderful weekend!
smell ya later!
apparently, i turned all comments off...
thanks, brian, for cluing me in!
hope everyone will post their comments now...?
have a great weekend!
smell ya...
I had help on a couple of these from coworkers but I didn't google or anything. Number 6 just stumped me.
1. 52 Weeks in a Year
2. 12 Days of Christmas
3. 13 Stripes on the American Flag
4. 100 Yards on a Football Field
5. 52 Cards in a Deck
6. Aaaargh! Can’t get this one!
7. 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
8. 1440 Minutes in a day
9. 9 Innings in a Baseball Game
10. 15 Men on a Dead Man’s Chest
This one's for Mafus:
6K in BB is 6 Kids in the Brady Bunch
1. 52 Weeks in a Year
2. 12 Days of Christmas
3. 13 Stars on the American Flag
4. 100 Yards on a Football Field
5. 52 Cards in a Deck
6. Dunno
7. 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
8. 1440 Minutes in a Day
9. 9 Innings in a Baseball Games
10. 15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest
Wow I tried these and I only got a few. I should have passed them around here at the office as well!! I love trivia stuff, but my main joy, and I kick some major ass is the word jumbles. Although the answer to the riddles in the cartoons can be a pain in the ass at times! So here's what I got:
1. 52 Weeks in a Year
2. 12 Days of Christmas
3. 13 Stripes on the American Flag
4. 100 Yards on a Football Field
9. 9 Innings in a Baseball Game
1. 52 weeks in a year
2. 12 Days of Christmas
3. 13 stripes on the american flag
4. 100 yards on the football field
5. 52 cards in a deck
6. 6 K in the B B ?
7. 100 bottles of beer on the Wall
8. 1440 minutes in a day
9. 9 innings in a ball game.
10. 15 men on a dead man's chest
Here are 5 bonus ones for extra credit.
1000 y in a m
64 s on a c b
29 D in F in a L Y
12 s of the z
7 w of the w
6 kids in the Brady Bunch.
Gave yours a try for the extra credit and only got these:
1000 yards in a mile
12 signs of the zodiac
7 wonders of the world
I looked at all of these after and I should have gotten the others but my brain hurts today from work!
1000 years in a millennium
(1760 yards in a mile)
29 days in February in a leap year
meatball man-
thanks for that correction. for some reason i knew it couldn't be right, and now knowing the answer i'm kicking myself!
nice, brian!!
Here are 5 bonus ones for extra credit.
1000 y in a m--years in an millenium
64 s on a c b--64 stitches on a certified baseball
29 D in F in a L Y--29 days in february in a leap year
12 s of the z--12 signs of the zodiac
7 w of the w--7 wonders of the world
(what was advertised as the eighth wonder of the world"...?)
64 squares on a checker board
8th wonder of the world: King Kong
Here's some more:
50 w to l y l
13 in a b d
6 f in a f
144 in a g
"64 stitches on a certified baseball"
That could be true, but we were looking for spaces on a chess board.
50 y to l y l - 50 ways to leave your lover
1. 52 Weeks in a Year
2. 12 Days of Christmas
3. 13 Stripes on the American Flag
4. 100 Yards on a Football Field
5. 52 Cards in a Deck
6. IDK
7. 100 B of B on the W
8. 1440 Minutes in a Day
9. 9 Innings in a Baseball Game
10. IDK
Advertised as the 8th Wonder of the World (at least in my memory) was the Astrodome in Houston, TX
hey!! meatball man!!
so glad you're here!
as for your questions--
let's see--
50 w to l y l--50 ways to leave your lover
13 in a b d--13 in a baker's dozen
6 f in a f--6 feet in a fathom
144 in a g--144 in a gross
brian--sorry, i shoulda put a "?" after stitches in a baseball--'cause i was just guessin'...
Hmm. This is kinda cool. I've also gotten into Soduku lately. (Like just about everybody on the planet.) I started with the easy ones and could do one in an hour or less. Tried one of the hard ones and, after two hours, I only had one block filled in. Yikes.
The free paper they give out in the morning, called the Metro, has a fairly easy Soduko that I can do on the ride into work. A nice time killer without the frustration of the harder ones.
hey wasn't Andre the Giant proclaimed to be a 'wonder of the world'?
Hey! I thought the comments would be invisible for a few days!!
anyway, here's my answers...
1. 52 weeks in a year
2. 12 days of christmas
3. 13 stars on the American Flag
4. 100 yards on a football field
5. 52 cards in a deck
6. ???? couldn't get that one until I saw the answer!!
7. 100 bottles of beer on the wall
8. 1440 minutes in a day
9. 9 innings in a baseball game
10. 15 men on a dead man's chest
and the bonus ones...
1000 years in a millenium
29 days in February in a leap year
12 signs of the zodiac
7 wonders of the world
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