i am crazy busy scramblin' to get everything i owe to everyone to them before the end of today or by monday or by who knows when...! needless to say, as i owe several of you phone calls--sorry, matt, i'm dyin' to talk to ya--i don't even have time to call to tell you i can't talk!! i am swamped and my head just hasn't had a chance to process any trivia for our usual "five for friday".
so sorry--i feel terrible.
but, maybe my pal, nick, came up with the perfect solution; open it up (as we kinda did once before...) to YOUR questions for me. whaddaya say? got some trivia for me? something you think you wanna stump me with? or try?
that's all i got, all i can do right now.
here are a couple "random pictures of the week" to pretty this place up...

also, my (patient) pal, matt, sent me and leaf this link the other day, and i laughed so hard i hurt myself!
easily the funniest thing i've seen in a long, long time!
thank you, matt!
so okay--go!
smell ya later!
ps--OH! i forgot to say, either leaev your questions in the comments section or e-mail them to me directly at
I hear ya on being crazy man!! I had a lull but now it's back to hectic, but that means I get to keep working and getting paid haha! In trying to come up with a good trivia question I decided to try your old cartoons knowledge. Anyone else wanna give a whirl go ahead. It's a 2 parter:
A. In Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends the character of Iceman is voiced by whom?
B. What are the 2 characters he's most famous for voicing(one he's played since the characters inception the other's another 80's cartoon?
Crap, I can hear his voice...didn't he do Fred from Scooby-Doo as well?
here are some trivia questions sent in from my pal, kc carlson--
1. What film was partially financed by profits from Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon”?
2. Whose faces are said to be seen among the flowers on the cover of the Rolling Stones’ “Their Satanic Majesties Request”?
3. Who replaced Harvey Korman on the Carol Burnett Show after he left the show?
4. Most of John Hughes’ teen comedy's are set in the same fictional Illinois city. What is its name? BONUS: In what movie did Hughes cameo as the father of Anthony Michael Hall?
5. What popular TV show started life as “Gold Coast,” which was actually used in promos for the show?
6. How much would it have cost to buy the ENTIRE line of DC Comics during the month that Action Comics #1 came out? (May 1938)
7. Who plays guitar and sings background vocals on Elton John’s version of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”?
8. Who played the firemen in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”?
okay...ya both got me, but here's my tries at answers...
i don't know the answer to A. so i don't know B. either, but if he IS the same guy that did freddie from scooby-doo, then i think his name is fred welkin (or weklin) and he also took over doing scooby when don messick stopped doing it about 15 or 20 years ago. and i think he's doing something on futurama now...
that's all i got...
here are some guesses...
1. monty python and the holy grail? i know that george harrison financed a lot of it.
2. the beatles
3. part of my brain says that harvey never left and was there right til the end. the other part says dick van dyke...
4. shermer high school, shermer illinois/sixteen candles
5. popular NOW? no idea.
6. 50¢(?)
7. john lennon
8. idk... burns and schriver?
Man, I got nothing.
Man KC's questions are a doozy!! The only one I know is #5 which is Miami Vice.
You're very close Todd. You've got part of it. I'll give the answer tomorrow!!
I'm guessing on these three:
6. Zip. Zero. Wasn't DC called "National Periodicals" back then?
Todd, don't worry about a thing. I figured you were just busy. I was about to start worrying but you were still posting regularly, so I assumed you were okay. All is forgiven. Just ignore that Zuni doll when you get it in the mail.
1. What film was partially financed by profits from Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon”?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Reportedly, Led Zepplin also kicked in some dough. Life of Brian was the one partially financed by George Harrison.
2. Whose faces are said to be seen among the flowers on the cover of the Rolling Stones’ “Their Satanic Majesties Request”?
The Beatles http://www.eeggs.com/items/38281.html
3. Who replaced Harvey Korman on the Carol Burnett Show after he left the show?
Dick Van Dyke. He was only on the show for three months. His style of comedy was not compatible with the show.
4. Most of John Hughes’ teen comedy's are set in the same fictional Illinois city. What is its name? BONUS: In what movie did Hughes cameo as the father of Anthony Michael Hall?
Shermer, Illinois. Hughes cameos in The Breakfast Club.
5. What popular TV show started life as “Gold Coast,” which was actually used in promos for the show?
Miami Vice
6. How much would it have cost to buy the ENTIRE line of DC Comics during the month that Action Comics #1 came out? (May 1938)
40 cents. Action Comics #1, Detective Comics #16, New Adventure Comics #27 and More Fun Comics #32 cost 10 cents each.
And, Matt, the explanation would take too long here, but THAT MONTH, all of DC's comics were combined under the Detective Comics, Inc. title, but you're right in thinking that the National title WAS used (in various permutations), both before and after this.
7. Who plays guitar and sings background vocals on Elton John’s version of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”?
John Lennon
8. Who played the firemen in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”?
The Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Curly Joe). One of the funniest (implied) jokes in movies, as well as one of the most subtile things the Stooges ever did.
Thanks for playing! Sorry they were so old...
above are the answers to kc's questions...
oh wow, yeah i sure was stumped on those!! the answer to mine was Frank Welker(very close there todd!!!) and he's been the voice of fred in everything scooby since day 1, but he was also the voice of megatron in the transformers cartoon(amongst other voices). as for futurama i believe he is on there, he's had something on like every animated show under the sun haha!
I was out for the weekend.
Checked too late (answers already posted), but I was stumped anyway.
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