i KNOW that all of you check out craig's blog over at www.craigrousseau.com from time to time and i want to make it clear right here that the reason craig hadn't posted for so long was because we've just kept him so busy, he hasn't even had the time to think about posting anything else.
but ya better hustle over there 'cause that's where he's posted the cover to the all-new, all-different PERHAPANAUTS 5!
go on.
i'll wait.
cool, right?
that's right--choopie alone in bedlam!
but it's nothing like you think...
i'd tell you more about the story, but i know how you like surprises...
: )
our next item is our wild and crazy con schedule as craig and i hit the road once more to get as many people as we can to take a look at our favorite perhapanauts comic book! we will be guests at the EMERALD CITY COMICCON in seattle this weekend and, if you're in the neighborhood, please come out and see us! we'll have all the favorites; choopie butt cards, perhapa-postcards, the new trading cards, some of our new york exclusive, double-sided t-shirts, and, of course, copies of the PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL and the nearly sold-out PERHAPANAUTS 1!!
we're both scrambling to get everything done so that we can go and i plan to have posts for monday and friday done ahead of time so that you won't miss us TOO much...
come out and see us if you're fortunate enough to live out there in the pacific northwest! i've never been out that way before and very i'm excited to go! (that's up around where big was first captured...)
a short while back, our pal, mike estelle, sent me this awesome pic of the jersey devil by artist ryan doan!
dig it!

ryan's done a lot of great paranormal cryptozoological pieces, one of my favorites being his dover demon in the book weird new england! i'll hafta see if i can find a copy of that...
and, while all but one
of these were answered
in your replies, here are
the answers to your
"five for friday"
1. why wasn't the andy griffith statue placed in mayberry?
mayberry is a fictional place.
2. who were the first television couple to be seen sleeping in the same bed?
fred and wilma flintstone
3. who started out as a writer for the smothers brothers before breaking out as a stand up legend in the '70's?
steve martin
4. in 1968, what movie pre-empted the last 50 seconds of the jets-raiders game?
5. match the song with the television show
a. those were the days=5. all in the family
b. suzanne=8. taxi
c. the fishing hole=3. the andy griffith show
d. i'll be there for you=7. friends
e. tossed salads and scrambled eggs=1. frasier
f. where everybody knows your name=6. cheers
g. love is all around=4. mary tyler moore
h. you're my greatest love=2. the honeymooners
'kay--i gotta go get some work done!
smell ya later!
I'll be making the trip out to the great Northwest because they got Baseball - Mariners vs. White Sox Firday night baby, the interns/residents at Seattle Grace are all hot and have great bed side manners, Tim Sale is going to have a Scarecrow of Romney Marsh piece for me that both I and the little boy inside me are thrilled about and, what would an appearnce of The Perhapanauts be without their booth boy.
P.S. All wise arses please not that last question is rhetorical.
P.P.S. Is that Choopie cover great or what.
(Again, a rhetorical question)
Cool picture, Todd - and of course, I had to GoodSearch. :-) Here's a link to his work - you can look at them as a slideshow. There are some really great ones in there. http://www.ryandoan.com/SlideSlow/Site/Photos.html
'haps cover is claustrophobically cool - though after having had a minor panic attack in an mri tube, I don't really mean cool, but it is cool. Wasn't Choopie in the the ducts in the past future issue. umm, you know what I mean, right? (I AM stupid. - lol) I don't have my issues back from my little friend to check it out. Just asking 'cause a Brian (that you, Brian?) posted that he's psyched to know that Choopie will be joining the proud tradition of character duct crawlers and I thought I already had a visual of that in my brain. Then again, I could've just made that up as I am wont to do.
Have a great trip, guys, Brian included. (btw: Do you have a booth boy uniform? Seems any title with boy in it should involve a uniform, or at least a signature hat. :-)
You are correct that Choopie has used the ducts before - I believe Officer Mulcahy gave him a boost up - but that was more an in and out as opposed to an actual adventure in the ducts.
As for the uniform, it was a two sided T-Shirt that will be making its second appearance in Seattle.
"Here Come the 'Haps"
(Sung to the tune of "Seattle," the theme song from "Here Come the Brides" by Bobby Sherman, the star of the show and then teen heart throb)
"The two nicest guys you've never seen, in Seattle
They'll paint the town a Choopie Green, in Seattle,
Creating stories that are cool and wild,
Full of the 'Haps, full of fears
They'll make you laugh till there are tears,
It's Todd and Craig's very first year, in Seattle."
Come by and buy a comic at the show and I will sing this song for you. Buy two comics and I will stop singing. ; )
That is an awesome cover! Things look like they're getting really cool in the future of the book. Can't we make it a bi-weekly book? Huh huh?!
As for Ryan Doan, yes that guy is seriously talented. I've met him, and talk to him on occasion as he's my , and he just has some crazy ideas! He does all the art for the Weird publications. There's a really cool book that came out last year that he did called Weird Hauntings. It should be available in any bookstore so buy yourselves a copy, you'll love it, I can't recommend it with anymore enthusiasm! I have 2 myself!
The bi-weekly schedule is on hold until the Rousseau Clone is perfected.
; )
I was just watching Alien Resurrection over the weekend, so I can only imagine how the lab would look in this case ha!
Great song, Brian. Maybe a Bobby Sherman haircut would add a nice touch. thump, thump - yes, my heart throb back in the day, and I did have the lunch box. How cool was I? (not much. :-)
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