well, first off, things have been slipping by me a bit, i've been kinda busy...
but we need to say that craig and i will be down in charlotte this coming weekend--june 20-22--at one of our absolutely FAVORITE comics convnetions, shelton drum's HEROESCON!! we're getting our stuff all packed up--t-shirts, trading cards, and of course, the latest issues of the all-new, all-different PERHAPANAUTS!! we're looking forward to getting a chance to hang out with all our friends from here at the blog--matt, suzanne, christian, scott, nic, the list goes on--and get to see some of our friends in the biz--nick cardy, cully hamner, jeff parker, karl kesel, and that list goes on and on...
i'm excited 'cause scott will have an ashcan type sketchbook with a preview of the next After School Agent (and i've already see some of it and it's freakin' awesome!!) and matt will be at the show to help promote the heroes initiative what if? a tribute to mike wieringo that will be premiered at the show to benefit the hero's initiative...as well as have an announcement or two himself...!
shelton also asked me if i could set up a little something to remember--and most importantly CELEBRATE--mike as well so, with the generous help of craig and rico, we're putting together a (last minute) sketchbook featuring pieces from many of mike's friends and fans with proceeds going to mike's favorite cause, the ASPCA. it'll have great pieces in there by kelly yates, karl kesel, neil vokes, leah hannah, francesco francovilla, andy smith...oh, and craig...and many others! hopefully, we'll do mike proud.
also we're gonna roast him!
that should be fun...
so hope to see ya there! if you're in the neighborhood, don't miss it!
you guys jumped the gun on me the other day with your comments featuring your summer song lists!
here are mine; songs that i either need to hear each summer or songs that make me think/dream of summer...
margaritaville by jimmy buffet--ain't that the summeriest it gets?
hot fun in the summertime by sly and the family stone--county fairs in the country sun...
sausalito sumer nights by diesel--early eighties thumper and it seemed like my car was always overheating back then...
silly love songs by paul mccartney and wings--one summer vacation my family would sing to this together everytime it came on the radio--which was every two or three minutes
just about anything by the beach boys, right?
got to give it up part 1 by marvin gaye--just remembering hearing this in the summertime when i was a kid and it stuck
baker street by gerry raffertyand
it must be summer by fountains of wayne--it MUST be summer!!

if you didn't see russ's post in the comments section on friday, there is a new column up at comicrelated.com called "what's perhappenin'?" which is gonna be a monthly forum where russ and i tear up the most recent issue of The PERHAPANAUTS, ask questions, make fun of stuff...like that! i will probably being lying a lot.
here's a link to the first one--bookmark it so you can check it every month!
and here are the answers to nic/portal comics'
All Slasher Film Five for Friday the 13th...
Q: What Golden Globe nominated actor appeared in the original 1980 Friday the 13th film?
A: Kevin Bacon
Q: Which film in the series did Jason Vorhees first don his trademark hockey mask?
A: Friday the 13th part 3
Q: What is the full name of Bruce Campbell's character Ash in the 1981 film Evil Dead? What was Ash's sister's name?
A: Ashley J. Williams, Cheryl Williams
Q: Wes Craven claims that the inspiration for A Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy Kreuger was based on a series of stories in the LA Times about young people who died in their sleep and a 1970's pop song. What was the song? Who was the artist?
A: Dream Weaver (1976) by Gary Wright
Q: Tommy Lee Wallace, the production designer for the 1978 John Carpenter film Halloween, created Michael Myers' mask by altering an actual Halloween mask of a famous actor. Who was it?
A: William Shatner
Q: How many times has Jason Vorhees appeared on film? Name them.
A: 11 times.
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th part 3 (1982)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2002)
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
and there ya have it!
thanks again, nic!
i'm out!
smell ya later!
Man, you are really making it hard on those of us not heading down to Charlotte this year.
Maybe next year.
The one song that says summer to me more than any other is "What Does it Take (To Win Your Love)" by Jr. Walker and the All Stars. I hear that song and I'm blasting up the PCH in a convertible, instead of sweating my swingers off in Brooklyn.
Can't wait. Can't wait. Matt and I took in the Va. Con yesterday and it was easier to restrain our purchases knowing we'll be at Heroes on Friday. Seeing friends, celebrating Mike and geeking out. Oh. Heck. Yeah. I want some Fuel Pizza!
Pretty much any ska song with a great horn line makes it a summer song for me. Pietasters, Mustard Plug and The Suicide Machines to name a few.
I can't wait. This will be a lot of fun.
It is hard to believe CHarlotte is less then a week away. I look forward to the con with a little sadness in my hear, beign the first year with out Mike is going to be kind fo sad.
On a happier note, I have a present to give Todd, I hope he likes it (and that i remember to pack it) and I do believe i will finally pick up After School Agent this year.
Man, I would love to be able to make it down there! Ahh well Baltimore will be here before I know it and we can't swing two major trips (AND the associated convention costs). ;)
I really wish I were going to Heroes, maybe I'll see about saving up and doing it next year. In the meantime I've decided to do Baltimore, after a while of flip-flopping on it....
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