we had a fantabulous time in baltimore and, as always, it was great to see and meet so many long-time readers and brand new fans! i can't tell you how many people came up to the table and bought the entire image run!!! that's super-cool and i really, really, REALLY hope that--if you were one of those and are stopping by the blog to see what we have to say here--that you'll log in and join our little on-line family here! we'd love to hear what you think of the book...and all the other crazy things we talk about each week!
welcome to bedlam!
i'll give some more details about the weekend tomorrow, but for today i thought i'd just drop in a few of the pictures of some of the awesome costumes that were on display at the show! i love costumes and wish i hadn't missed a few that went by the table so fast--did anyone get a good shot of plaid superman...?
here we go--thanks to everyone who took the time to dress up as their favorite hero or villain or stormtrooper or whatever! cully tells me i gotta get down to dragoncon in atlanta some year and see the costumery there, but this year i think baltimore had some really great offerings!
this is matt miller who came up to the table in this down-to-the-belt-buckle mal outfit from firefly. i dig all over anything firefly! i had to take about three pictures 'cause people kept walking through the shot!
i fell in love with this dark mary marvel--who doesn't love mary marvel...?! bill? : )--the sad part is that, in this pose, you can't see the awesome built-in/continuous gloves that made the costume so cool! thanks, kat!
the riddler and the sandman! great costumes!
(man, that gas mask musta been hot...!)
i sent sharon out to get this pic of wonder woman and marvel zombie spider-man!
(she claimed that she didn't know how to work the camera, but you did just fine, shay...)
once again, i wanna get you all thinking--we're gonna have a spooky story contest here on the blog--with some prizes going out to your favorite scary, creepy, funny halloween stories in just a couple weeks! so get thinking--and writing!--and we'll make sure that this halloweeen season is full of frights!
here's a little something for inspiration...

and thanks again to roger
for the great "five for friday"
and especially for also giving me
the answers to your
"five for friday"...
1) What baseball Hall of Famer, who played for the Baltimore Orioles, holds the record for playing in the most consecutive games?
Cal Ripken, Jr.
2) What famous author, who's best known for his horror stories, is buried in Baltimore and would have celebrated his 200th birthday next year?
Edgar Allan Poe
3) What Baltimore native, and Baltimore Comic-Con guest, made a name for himself drawing horror comics?
Bernie Wrightson
4) What John Waters movie, which was turned into a Broadway musical and then back into a movie, was set in Baltimore?
5) What professional sports team made its home in Baltimore from 1953-1983?
Baltimore Colts
smell ya later!
what i wanna know is did anyone get a picture of that guy dressed like the green lantern with the atomic wedgie?? cuz yeah that was just wrong!! i totally forgot about my camera all day otherwise i would have gotten all kinds of pictures. plais superman was hilarious, and there was this one company with this booth babe with a bandana for a skirt, anyone get pics of that?? =P
er i meant plaid supes
Cool pics. Sounds like Baltimore would be a fun con to check out. The Dark Mary Marvel costume was pretty awesome, almost as good as the Montoya Question costume I saw in Charlotte this summer. Glad lots of new people were introduced to the Perhapanauts. They're in for a treat. :)
Hey! 8D This is Kat "Dark Marvel Marvel. Thanks for liking my costume! You're right though, I should have posed where you could see my sleeves. >_< I was actually feeling pretty sick that day though, so I guess I should be grateful that I was even facing the correct direction when you took the picture. =^_^= Thanks again!
hi, kat!!
thanks so much for posting and saying "hey!"--and for the awesome costume!! it was certainly one of the coolest of the weekend!
and welcome to the perhapanauts!
hope you'll stop by again and say hi...!
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