so we're gonna see you all at the baltimore comiccon in baltimore this weekend. right...?
that's right--as if you haven't already heard--craig and rico and brian and bill and matt and mike (heywood) and kc and so many more of us will be meeting up at the one and only, always awesome baltimore comiccon this coming weekend, september 27th & 28th! the baltimore show--put on by the lovely and talented marc nathan--is one of craig's an my favorite shows (along with heroescon in charlotte and now the emerald city con in seattle!) and we wouldn't miss it for the world!
oh, and did i mention...we're bringing the girls! sharon and trish and suzanne will be there--and trish is bringing the kids!! and with nick and marianne there as well, well, it's going to be a real family affair!

and this year--though i'm not generally an awards dinner kinda guy (marc nathan has been desperately trying to figure out a way to get me there...) (and this year, he did it!)--we will be attending the harvey awards this year as our pal nick cardy will be picking up a lifetime achievement award for all his amazing work in comics throughout the years! congratulation, nick! it's been too long coming!

so craig and i will be there, signing books, doing sketches--and, while we will have copies of all your favorite PERHAPANAUTS books on hand, we have been promised that we will have the all-new, hot-off-the-presses PERHAPANAUTS 4 available so you can come to the table and sit there and read it right in front of us!!! we will be on hand to answer your questions (after you read PERHAPANAUTS 4, there will be a lot of questions...), help you up (PERHAPANAUTS 4 is guaranteed to floor you!), or just tell you to go away (if you're bothering us...)
we will also be offering--at a very limited supply--the all-new, baltimore comiccon exclusive--CHOOPIE BUTTON!!

bright orange with your favorite choopie giving you the thumbs up, it measures a cool 2 1/2 inches in diameter and features a pin on the back to attach harmlessly to your clothing! supplies are extremely limited and it's a first come-first served basis, so be sure to get to the show to get your own!!
(of course, if they go over well, we'll probably make more...)
more on the show on wednesday,
but for now here are the answers
to your
"five for friday"
comics trivia
1. which artist drew more issues of brave and the bold than any other artist?
jim aparo
2. what member of batman's rogues gallery was deemed "off limits" in the 80s because his name might incite some racial controversy?
the spook
3. the groundbreaking comic book miniseries, the watchmen, was originally supposed to feature characters from what defunct comic book company?
charlton comics
4. who is responsible for the scar on the right side of jonah hex's face?
the apache chief whose son jonah had killed in hand-to-hand combat
5. name the seven core members of the original justice league.
wonder woman
jonn jonnz, the martian manhunter
green lantern
smell ya later!
Way to go, Nick! Finally, some recognition for the master of the spooky cover.
5. "Samsonite!?? I was waaaaay off."
Congrats to Mr. Nick! Make sure to raise a whoop and a holler for him.
Sneak one them fancy buttons in Mafus' pocket for me, pretty please?
First and foremost, congratulations to Nick, an honor that is well deserved.
Second, that button is way cool and I will be sure to pick one up.
Third, on "The Spoke," I looked it up after giving my answer and thought the right answer might just be Firebug, as he was black and his name was Jack Rigger, putting him just one letter away from a total printing disaster, and if All Star Batman and Robin has taught us anything, it is that DC knows printing disasters.
Looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday.
Congrats Nick! That's great.
I'll be picking up one of those pins too. I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Just gotta get through two and ahalf more days of work...
i can't wait to go this weekend. i'll be lurking around the 'haps area for as much time as todd will let me hahaha!
and congrats to nick-while i've only just become familiar with some of his work, he certainly has a killer style and he seems like a stand up kinda guy!
Hey Nick-
Congratulations on the Lifetime Achievement Award!
Well deserved, I might add.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make it to Baltimore for this con.
Wish I could go hang out with y'all. Have fun! Love the Choopie button.
I will be there! Looking forward to seeing you guys again. And congrats to Nick, that is awesome stuff!
I definitely have to snag one of those Choopie buttons! And I think I'll buy a #4 from you guys too, since I don't think I'll be able to make it to my LCS before B-more. (Should I fear for Karl...?)
Hi everybody, I just want to say hello! How is everyone??
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