so in all my excitement to get the trivia challenge going and post the answers--see below--i almost lost track of the numbering here on the blog and almost missed this one---PERHAPA-BLOG 600!!
i really can't believe that i've posted 600 blogs.
that's crazy.
and so today, as a kinda celebration, i thought i'd post a few things to excite and entice, to whet your respective appetites for our super scary PERHAPANAUTS HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR no.1 coming out this october!
so here's your spoiler alert, for brian and anyone else who would rather not look--
below are the first few unlettered pages from two of our halloween stories with art by our pal, rich woodall, and my old volleyball teammate and comics legend, fred hembeck!!
i hope you enjoy them!
from "Night of the Tatzelwurm!"
pencils by rich woodall

from "Choopie's Halloween!"
artwork by fred hembeck

our friend, alison, has sent me a lot of great emails lately, but this one was just amazing! and inspirational!
you can see the joy on everyone's faces just to be a part of something so beautiful!
lauren monardo is a fantastic artist whose praises i sang here on the blog a few weeks ago. she, along with her writer-partner, stephen lindsay, produce the electric, eclectic, and erudite comic, "the slightly askew adventures of ham and eggs". it is about a pig in a world of talking animals set on solving a murder case...before becoming a victim himself!!
lauren has been both kind enough to agree to doing a back-up story with me and patient enough to put up with my constant delays in getting her a script, but sent me this crazy clip of choopie giving something a zap to nudge me along!

thanks so much, lauren! it's awesome!
and to see the complete strip, head over to lauren's site at:
from denis
1) In the US, it's commonly referred to as a hurricane, but what is this weather feature called in the areas around
a) The Indian Ocean?
--denis will supply the answer below---
b) The Pacific Ocean?
2) Humans can be individually identified by their finger-prints. What prints are dogs identified by?
nose prints
3) What is the body of an airplane called?
4) What person won the most number of Academy Awards, winning an incredible 26 Oscars!?
walt disney
5) How many of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still exist today?
---also, see below---
from brian
He/She Won An Oscar for Best Actor/Actress, Really?
1. This TV sidekick won for a film featuring in its title the name of another famous sidekick and beat out Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino to do it.
Art Carney
2. Both his Oscar winning character and the character in he played on TV had their names in the tiitle of the show. He beat out James Cageny, James Dean, Frank Sinatra and Spencer Tracy for the Oscar.
Ernest Borgnine (movie--Marty, tv show--McHale's Navy)
3. He is a big hit at Christmas whether at home, or on the road. He beat out Cary Grant and his co-star in the film for the Oscar.
bing crosby
4. Mention this woman's "name" and you will think single before you think movie. She beat out Meryl Streep and Glenn Close.
5. Same clue as for number 4, but this one beat out Diana Ross, Maggie Smith, Cicely tyson and Liv Ullmann.
Liza Minelli
from kc
So, my trivia questions are too hard for you, huh? Try these.
1. How many strings are there on a 12-string guitar?
2. How many playing cards in a standard 52-card deck?
52--not counting jokers and instruction cards
3. What do you call those things at the ends of your hands? You know... um... fingers? Damn. Never mind.
4. How many band members are in a standard 4-piece combo?
5. How many Green Chinese Pots in a dozen?
from roger
1. Who was the mascot of the Milwaukee Braves and later the Atlanta Braves until 1986 when he was removed, in part, due to race issues?
Chief Noc-A-Homa (pronounced to sound kinda like "knock a homer.")
2. Jay Ward & Bill Scott, creators of Bullwinkle, produced a series of popular commercials starring which high ranking cereal mascot?
captain crunch
3. Speaking of Bullwinkle, what cereal featured him in their commercials?
4. Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse?
walt disney
5. What cryptid is a native of Northern Wisconsin and is the mascot for the city of Rhinelander?
The Hodag. Here's more about it: http://www.hodagpress.com/about.htm
6. Who was the "mascot" of the original Justice League of America? (Thanks to KC for this question.)
snapper carr

happy 600th post everybody!
no go out and play!
smell ya later!
Congratulations on hitting such a momentous mile stone, Todd.
Hmmm, not sure if I posted a reply to all those posts, but a select few have two or three replies from me, so I might just be in the 600 club as well.
Thanks for the Spoiler warning as I was able to quickly page down, but the quick glimpse I got has me looking forward to that Halloween special even more.
As for the picture of the kitty, that is one unhappy looking cat. It is my experience that cat's do not like to get "dressed up" by us.
Those pages look great. Rich did an awesome job. I can't wait to see that story. And Fred's looks hilarious. I'm psyched to see his version of the team. It's like the good old Marvel days. That's so cool.
Woo! Full 600! Nice!
Sorry for leaving everyone in limbo for a little longer than expected. I was hoping to post the answers earlier, but got distracted by friends. Pesky friends... Anyway, the two you've all been holding you breath for-
1) Typhoon and... CYCLONE! Yeah, everyone says monsoon, but the answer was cyclone.
2) Just the one, the pyramids. The other six are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria. Not a Sphinx or Coliseum to be seen!!
Here's to 600 more, Todd! Best wishes,
thanks, denis~!
great questions!!
and even better answers...!
thanks to everyone who sent in trivia questions and to all who played--well done!
Congrats on hitting 600.
Those pages look awesome.
Looking forward to that Halloween edition
Nice stuff on the Halloween teasers! Rich's pages look great and Fred's look awesome!
Congrats on the 600 mark-here's to many more!
Congratulations on 600 posts! Quite a milestone to be proud of :)
And as always you're too kind! Thank you :D
Congratulations on 600! Just think you did it without having to worry about any renumbering a la Cap, Hulk, Thor.
Can't wait for the Halloween special.
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