sorry for the lateness of this--and the briefness of it as well...
i have a bunch of deadlines and a handful of errands that had to be done TODAY...and i'm still not all on it.
nothing really exciting to write about, so...
hope you all had a great weekend! things were busy, yet peaceful here. got stung the other night by a yellowjacket when i was bringing jake in from outside. we've been having a real time of it with mosquitos this year (all that rain in may and june and a severe drop in the local bat population due to what's called white nose disease...) and so as was coming in, the jake under my right arm, i was squatting the swarming mosquitos away from my head when this bee, attracted by the porch light, i'd guess, somehow got involved and flew into my face between my eye and my glasses. he panicked and i panicked and, not wanting to drop jake i tried to reach over and get my glasses off with my left hand, but then that hand coming at him musta freaked him out 'cause he stung me just below my right eye. i swore a few times and got jake down gently, but man, that hurt! iced it up and let it get numb before i could apologize to sharon for yelling at her (actually, i was yelling at everything...) and at least it didn't sting me ON the eye.
there, see, i told you nothing to write about.
here are a couple of pictures i stole offa yahoo and the answers to the five for friday.

double rainbow over charlotte nc

sun comes up on the balloon festival in baotou, china

Mosha, a 3-year-old elephant, is helped to walk by its keepers after putting on an artificial leg at the Elephant Hospital in Lampang province, northern Thailand Saturday, Aug. 15, 2009. Mosha, also a land mine victim, became the world's first elephant with an artificial leg.
"five for friday"
i'll name three songs,
you name the band.
1. lady, renegade, blue collar man
2. that's not my name, great dj, shut up and let me go
the ting tings
3. crash, satellite, ants marching
dave matthews band
4. drive, i'm not the one, moving in stereo
the cars
5. tuxedo junction, in the mood, moonlight serenade
the glen miller orchestra
that's it for today!
smell ya later!
Ouch, that had to hurt. Hope you are on the mend, my friend.
Bravo to the fine folks helping out Mosha.
Land mines should be banned and anyone who makes them should be assigned the job of digging them up.
Hey Todd,
Sorry to hear about the sting. I can't even imagine how it must have hurt. Hope your eye didn't close up.
Great pictures. Incredible the stuff we can do with technology (referring to Mosha).
Here in Florida @ The Clearwater Aquarium, they gave a 3 month old dolphin, that had been tangled in a crab trap, an artificial tail.
You can see video at their site:
Yikes! Glad to hear you've skated serious injury and hope you heal fast!!
I agree with Brian on who should be the ones who dispose of those damned things.
Ouch!! Not fun getting stung, but I'm really glad you didn't drop Jake.
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