so sharon and i are out the door, on our way down to baltimore to meet up with craig and trish and matt and suzanne and rod and leanne and kelly and lauren and...
you get the idea.
come and see us at the BALTIMORE COMICCON! we're there all weekend and we'll be doing tricks!
did i mention brian?
brian will be there too! but before he left, he sent me this rockin' entry for the perhapanauts scary halloween contest! and this one, i think, you will need all weekend to digest! ah-ah-ahhh! (did that sound like the count? i was trying to sound like the count.)
and before i go; for those you you who have yet to send me YOUR cool entries, get 'em in! we still have a few weeks 'til halloween and i'm dying to be scared...!!
enough about me... friends, i give you...
brian mulcahey's "BITE-MARE"!
TITLE: Todd and Craig’s The Perhapanauts in “Bite-Mare”
CREDITS: brian mulcahy–– words frank frazetta –– pictures rico –– colors
DESCRIPTION The setting is a Victorian era bedroom. Molly, in human, not ghost, form, is sitting up in a big canopy bed. She is dressed in an empire waist nightgown and her hand is reaching up to the small gold cross hanging from a delicate chain around her neck. Her gaze is blank, as if she is in a trance.
BALLOON Come to the window (word balloon comes from off panel)
DESCRIPTION Molly is now out of the bed and walking toward the window. The window is large and similar to a set of french doors with multiple panes of glass and opens from the center like a set of double doors. Across the window is a string of garlic. There is a full moon and we can make out a Dracula shaped silhouette just outside the window. We see that the cross is now in her hand dangling from a now broken chain.
BALLOON Open the window (word balloon from the Dracula shaped silhouette on the other side of the window)
MOLLY yes, I will
DESCRIPTION Molly has swung open both sides of the window using both arms. We see that the act of opening the window has broken the string of garlic. We still only see the figure outside the window in silhouette.
SILHOUETTE Invite me in?
DESCRIPTION Straight on shot of Choopie in full Bela Lugosi - black tux with tails, white vest, shirt and bow tie and long black cape with red satin lining – floating in through the now open window. Choopie’s arms are reaching toward Molly and his fangs are visible.
CHOOPIE I vant to drink your blood
DESCRIPTION Tight shot of Molly and Choopie. Molly’s eyes show that she is still in a trance. She is leaning her head to one side, exposing her neck as Choopie descends upon her, his fangs poised above her flesh, ready to strike.
DESCRIPTION Camera pulls back. MG, in Victorian garb, but still wearing his signature sunglasses, is now in the picture thrusting a large wooden cross between Choopie and Molly causing Choopie to recoil, floating back and away from Molly.
CHOOPIE ARRRRGH! Curse you Van Helsing
MG Back! Back into the twilight you vile creature!
DESCRIPTION Choopie’s expression has now changed from one of fear and disgust to one of his classic puzzled looks.
CHOOPIE Dude! It’s the 1890’s and the middle of the night, what’s up with the sunglasses?

DESCRIPTION Camera pulls back for a wide shot that reveals Molly’s Victorian bedroom is, in actuality, a movie set. We now see that Choopie has been floating thanks to a set of wires hanging from a boom arm above the set. Big, dressed in classic Director’s gear, comes striding onto the set.
BIG Yeah, MG, babe, can we lose the sunglasses?
DESCRIPTION A make up woman appears at Molly’s side and start’s freshening up her face while two crew members help to lower Choopie to the ground. MG and Big are talking to each other.
MG But, Biggie, the sunglasses are my ‘thing,” and the gals love them.
BIG But don’t you think the ladies would love it even more if they could see your beautiful . . . say, just what color are your eyes anyway?
MG My eyes, why they’re . . .
DESCRIPTION Arisa, doing her best Ari Gold impersonation, arrives at MG’s side dressed in a very expensive looking suit holding a legal looking document.
ARISA A mystery and they’re going to stay that way. Those sunglasses are part of MG’s new “Mystery Guy” line of eyewear that we are debuting when the movie opens and they’re staying on, it’s right here in his contract.
DESCRIPTION Big, the contract in his hand, looks down at it incredulously.
BIG Son of a . . .
DESCRIPTION Big turns to a young man with a ball cap pulled down over his eyes, wearing a long army surplus looking jacket and holding one of those black and white scene clappers.
BIG Get me Joann at the Studio, I want to know what genius thought a character who always wears sunglasses was a good idea!
NIX Right away, Mr. Big
BIG On second thought, nix that idea and just bring a bottle of Hammerskold schnapps, to my trailer.
DESCRIPTION Molly is standing wide eyed and looking a little lost in the middle of the panel as Choopie, MG and Arisa, with Arisa wrapping her arm around MG’s and Big and Nix walk out of the panel in different directions.
CHOOPIE I need pie
BIG Serenity now, serenity now, serenity now.
ARISA Let’s go back to your trailer.
MG It’s like you can read my mind.
MOLLY Guys? Hey, guys, like, what about . . . the scene?
DESCRIPTION Molly is now standing alone on the set, looking a little down.
MOLLY Oh man, sometimes I feel like I’m invisible, like no one can see me.
DESCRIPTION Nick and Jim, a/k/a Todd and Craig, have walked on to the set.
Both men are very well put together, very metro-sexual
NICK Well, we can see you, Molly.
JIM And, Sweetie, we thought you were wonderful.
MOLLY Yeah, but like you guys have to say that, you’re my agents.
DESCRIPTION Close shot of Nick
NICK Yes, but that doesn’t make what we say any less true.
DESCRIPTION Molly, a big, happy smile on her face, gives Nick and Jim, a big, exuberant hug.
MOLLY Awww, thanks guys, you two are like the best Dads a girl could ever have.
DESCRIPTION Tight shot of Molly,’s face, her eyes are closed and she has a big happy smile.
BALLOON Ms. MacAllistar . . . Molly . . . (balloon comes from off panel)
DESCRIPTION Camera pulls back to show Molly standing in a 1950’s farm house kitchen dressed as June Lockhart from the old Timmy and Lassie TV show. The young man with the ball cap pulled down over his eyes, wearing a long army surplus looking jacket, is standing beside her and holding one of those black and white scene clappers.
NIX We’re ready to shoot whenever you are.
MOLLY What? Oh . . . Yes, yes I’m, like ready.
DESCRIPTION Tight shot of the black and white scene clapper banging shut. On it is written the following: “Episode: Timmy’s Down the Well, Again. Episode 6, Scene 6, Take 6”
BALLOON Cue the mutt . . . and Action! (balloon from off panel)
DESCRIPTION Choopie, on all fours running like a dog, bursts through the back door to the kitchen.
CHOOPIE Arf, arf, arf, arf.
MOLLY What is it girl? What’s the matter? Is it Timmy? Is Timmy in . . .
DESCRIPTION Molly crouches down and places her hands on either side of Choopie’s head to steady it to get a better look. She and the reader can now see that there is blood dripping off of Choopie’s fangs.
MOLLY Wait, is this blood? Like, this was not in the script. Does anyone have the script?
DESCRIPTION Arissa, still dressed as MG’s agent, approaches Molly holding out to her an open script.
ARISSA Here you are, Mols
DESCRIPTION Molly is looking down at the script in her hands, a puzzled look on her face. On the left hand side page of the script is just the word “EKAW” and on the right hand side, just the word “PU!” Arissa is staring intently at Molly, while around them, the farm kitchen set, including Choopie, is starting to fade away.
MOLLY Arissa, I . . . I don’t understand.
ARISSA Yes you do, Mols, you have to. Look again.
DESCRIPTION Molly and Arissa are now totally surrounded by the dark and appear to be floating. Arissa is now dressed in her Blue Team uniform and Molly is in her sweat pants and “Boo” t-shirt. On the left hand side page of the script, the word now reads “WAKE” while the word on the right hand side now reads “UP!”
MOLLY Wake up?
ARISSA Yes, Mols! Wake Up,
DESCRIPTION Molly is now floating in the dark alone, expect for a large pair of sinister, beastial, burning eyes, floating ominously in the dark behind her.
ARISSA WAKE UP, NOW! (Rather than in a balloon, Arissa’s words float in the darkness around Molly.
DESCRIPTION Molly’s bedroom at Bedlam. Molly is lying in bed, her eyes now wide open staring in shock at the cat like creature with bat wings sitting on her chest. The creature is the same ghostly light blue as Molly in her ghost form and it’s eyes show surprise that she is awake as they stare back at her.
DESCRIPTION Molly sits bolt up right in bed sending the creature flyng into the air. As soon as the creature is off of Molly’s chest, its color changes from Molly’s light blue to its natural black. In the background, we can see MG, Choopie and Big bursting through the door. MG is in the lead with an electrified net in his hand ready to be thrown over the creature, Choopie is brandishing his Mess-You-Up gun and Big is taking up the rear to block the door to prevent the creature from escaping.
DESCRIPTION MG, having successfully gotten the net over the creature, is lying on the floor, holding the net down to prevent the creature from escaping. Choopie is standing on MG’s back aiming his gun at the creature. In the background, at the door, Big has moved to one side allowing Arissa to enter the room. Molly is now knelling at the end of her bed looking down at MG, Choopie and the creature.
CHOOPIE Go ahead, punk, make my day.
MOLLY What is that thing?.
DESCRIPTION Arissa is now sitting on the bed beside Molly as the boys haul the creature out of the room. MG and Big are carrying it with Choopie bringing up the rear covering it with his gun.
ARISSA It’s a Psychic-Vampire, Mols. It feeds on energy instead of blood and you, being almost pure energy are like an all you can eat buffet to it.
MOLLY Oh . . . and, like, ewwwww!
MOLLY It looked like a cross between a cat and a bat, what’s up with that.

ARISSA No one really knows, Mols, but most likely its cat-like appearance is what gave rise to the old-wives tale about cat’s sucking out a baby’s breath or soul.
ARISSA Sorry I had to enter your mind uninvited, Mols, but it was our only hope of saving you.
MOLLY No worries, Arisa, but why couldn’t you guys just bust in and grab it?
ARISSA Psychic-Vampires control their victims by manipulating their dreams. They show you your heart’s desire so that you don’t notice you are being drained dry until it is too late.
ARRISA When the creature connected with you, it somehow affected the materials your room is made out of and created an impassable energy barrier. Big figured that waking you would break the connection and the barrier.
MOLLY Wow! And you say that the dreams the psychic-vampire caused me to have showed what I wanted most in life.
ARRISA Yes, why, what did you dream about.
DESCRIPTION Molly gives Arissa a big hug
MOLLY You guys, Arrisa, you guys.
The Perhapanauts™ Copyright © 2009 Todd Dezago & Craig Rousseau.
All Rights Reserved. All characters featured herein and the distinctive
Likenesses thereof are trademarks of Todd Dezago & Craig Rousseau.
see ya monday!
smell ya later!
Wow! That was an awesome script.
I don't know what it is about Molly, but I always feel like she needs a hug. She's just a sweet, appealing character. :)
Good writin'!
Wow! That was great. I love Molly.
ok.. gotta go read the others ones you posted earlier now.
Thanks, guys.
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Как пишут на Всем привет! Нахожусь на 14-ой неделе берем-ти, всё протекает нормально (т-т-т), сегодня пришли результаты TORCH-анализа, нашли уреаплазму 10 в 3 степени. Насколько я знаю, это некритично. Я лечусь от неё уже кучу времени. То возникала, то исчезала. Никаких неудобств и проявлений не было. Мой гинеколог тогда мне сказала, что можно и не лечить, всё точно еще она будет возникать при пониженном иммунитете. Берем-ть незапланированная, но желанная, - даже не думала, что уреа нужно прям резко пролечить. В ЖК сегодня другой врач мне назначил воспринимать вильпрофен совместно с мужем с 15-ой недели. Я пила его в свое время, довольно дурно перенесла. Сейчас боюсь пить его. Сказала о своих опасениях врачу, имеет ли резон её лечить, раз я с ней всю жизнь и не особо страшно всё, кроме всего прочего имеют все шансы с почками трудности возникнуть. Ребенку вообще-то навредить как-то!!! Врач ответила, что имеют все шансы быть какие-то отклонения у ребенка и ему может передасться уреа. Я, может, чего не понимаю, но у меня будет к/с, через родовые пути он навряд ли словит. К тому же что в этом страшного? Но вот слово "отклонения" меня испугало. Одним словом, вопрос таков - имеет ли резон начинать воспринимать лекарства или же нет? Действительно имеют все шансы быть какие-то "отклонения"?
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Both men and women can feel the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style usually feels a lot less difficult. Of program, for both sexes, garments and style options can be equally as elaborate, and there are numerous'trendy'items that could quickly become fashion faux pas - who will say they often see people walking on in 70s flames? On the other side, men's fashion features a few staple goods that can exist eternally - which man is going to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose basic cuts, colours and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
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Though classic men's designs can never be replaced, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought certain traditional clothes back into fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, specially, has taken back a wide-variety of common styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress yourself in a classic yet expensive way, placing value on appearance and acting in a polished method. This trend for almost'over-the-top'traditional style for men is evident from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages clothe themselves in especially Victorian-style clothing and take to the streets on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing impeccable mustaches! That is just one single of many samples of evidence presenting the resurgence of such variations. There are also numerous sites online which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire websites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in giving articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, although certain issues with common men's fashion may be brought back as new styles, the essential clothes which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
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