so we had a great time at the albany comic con yesterday and got a chance to hang out with and chat with friends like fred and lynn hembeck, mark, trevor, and joe sinnot, joe staton, matt(hew dow) smith, nick tapalansky, and ron marz. got to see see some old friends; bob elinskas, the gang from earthworld in albany, anthony and ariel from alternaverse, adam's friend, mike (sorry that i can never seem to remember your name mike...maybe we should start calling you 'skippy'?) and of course, john belskis, who puts the show together! and his brother, matt, who always joins in with his amazing artwork! especially good to see my great friend and comic book soul-mate, walt, and meet his pal, sean! met some new people and it's always a good time at this little show that keeps getting better and better each year!
great to see you all and thanks for coming out!
so i hope you all had a fun and scary halloween...!
or as our pal and extreme perhapa-fan, russ burlingame calls it, a perhappy halloween! now that he's finally been able to flag down a copy of the incredibly popular and unusually elusive perhapanauts halloween spooktacular, russ and i had our traditional go-around of questions and answers about the issue that may or may not be true. you should check it out...
what's perhappenin' with russ burlingame!
the perhapanauts halloween spooktacular! edition!
and just to show that our little book is finally starting to get some momentum, this is the first year--that i know of--where perhapa-fans actually dressed up like their favorite perhapapaunts characters for halloween! that's AWESOME!
here is russ himself in his guise as our own MG!
russ was super-promoting the perhapanauts the other night, giving out copies of the comic to people who were interested in learning more about his character! that easily makes russ our SUPER-FAN and, russ, we can't thank you enough for ALL you do in getting the word out there! THANKS!

the big surprises though were my two little cousins, tristan and makayla.
my cousin, vicki, sent me these pics of the kids on halloween, both of them apparently influenced by the spider-man and perhapanauts comics that uncle todd gave them during our big summer vacation! (well...i think makayla was influenced...i think tristan just wanted to be spider-man 'cause he kicks ass!) both of them posed for these pictures to send to uncle todd and they mean so much to me. tristan's--as spidey--because it meant he thought enough of me to stand still for two seconds so they could take the picture...
and makayla...

what a great choopie!

vicki tells me that it was makayla's other grandma who did all the work on the costume and i'm just amazed at all the details that she was able to put into it! the wings, the quills, the claws on both the hands and the feet--it's just so perfect! and so cute! knowing makayla, i'm sure that she was doing a great job of supervising grandma as the project went along, but it came out perfectly and i'm both touched and honored that she would want to be the choop for halloween!
maybe next year, our contest needs to be a costume contest...?
: )
and speaking of contests, i hope you all enjoyed our perhapanauts scary halloween contest and entries! thank you SO MUCH to everyone who submitted their wonderful work for everyone to enjoy and get everyone in the spirit!
unfortunately, ONE of our judges--you know who you are--has been a bit too busy to review all of the entries yet, but promises me that it will be done by wednesday. that said, i'll say that we'll announce the winner here on the blog on friday, along with some other perhapa-news and the return of "five for friday" trivia!
so i'll see ya here for that!
until then, stay spooky!
smell ya later!
ps--why does halloween hafta be over...?
here's one last creepy pic i found to keep halloween going for another couple days...

ok. that is ONE creepy picture!
I LOVE the choopie costume! So cute. Of course spidey is also awesome.
Glad to hear you had a good time at the convention. Did your nephew end up going with you?
Hey! I haven't seen that picture of my uncle in ages!
Those are awesome costumes!
yes, wendy~!
tyler went and had a good time! sharon was there to keep him from getting bored if that came up, but it didn't. now we need to get him to a show to see a real booth boy in action.
I'm always open to showing an up and comer to ropes.
Great costumes, and, while Choopie is No. 1, since Uncle Todd has worked on both Choopie and Spidey this year, it's all good.
As for Halloween being over too soon, I'm with you Todd. Usually I hold off on taking down all the decorations until the Simpsons run their annual Treehouse of Horror episode which is usually not until after Halloween, but was done two weeks before Halloween this year for some reason so, sad too say, it's wait until next year.
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