while i am very sensitive to those of you who DON'T enjoy previews (and in some instances, i am one of those myself...so, i get it...) i will say SPOILER ALERT!! and send you packing now. sorry. see ya on wednesday...!
and speaking of wednesday, the new marvel super hero squad! is due to hit comic shopps this tuesday and, because marvel is doing it on their site, i thought it'd be okay to post this preview here of the chilling SHS! tale entitled "when slurks the slime!"--art by wonderfully talented leonel castellani!
check 'em out!

to see more of course, pick up a copy of marvel super hero squad! #3--on sale wednesday at all fine comic book vendors!
i think i found this on facebook and thought it funny.

that's it for now!
have a great monday!
smell ya later!
Great sign, Todd, thanks for sharing and thanks for the heads up on the new Squaddie book. Gives me something to read on that long flight out to Seattle this week. It will take six hours to read, right?
I'm looking forward to this, Todd. You're making this book much more fun than it has any right to be and your artist really seems to be having a blast. Fun comics. Imagine that.
I got the Valentine issue and it was so much fun!
With the economy being the way it is, my comic shop has stopped buying new issues of most comics to put on the shelves. He orders only what his customers subscribe to. One of the few exceptions to this is MSHS, since it sells well to all age groups. I wish you all success with the book and I know it will continue to be fun so long as you are writing it.
But we still want our Perhapanauts. >:I
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