so for the past month or so, along with the fantastic pages that craig has been sending me, i've been like a kid at christmas whenever eric henson has sent over pages for the perhapanauts back-up that he's been working on~! with the entire story still being a month or so away from completion, i've been bouncing up and down trying to contain myself, frustrated that i can't share any of this with you yet! oh, we'll preview some pages when we get closer to publication, but for now i don't want to accidentally give anything away...
the other day though, eric sent me some images that were part of the story but not part of the story, if you know what i mean. if you don't, don't worry--neither do i.
what they were were insets for the already drawn pages. for example, on the first page, a few of the characters are looking up at a big monitor screen as they try to find out where the missing arisa, mg, and hammerskold could've gotten off to. eric did a phenomenal job on the page--and, wait 'til you see, the subsequent pages--but left certain things blank which he planned to go back and do full up size so that we could reduce and place them in production.
now, lemme tell ya, most artists just draw this stuff in and it usually looks okay. eric, however, wanted to make sure that, even though these various images were going to be, in some cases, tiny, they were full drawings and diagrams of what i had asked for. talk about above and beyond...!! man, this guy is good!
and so here are some of these images, just small spot illustrations that eric did up right! i just wanted you to see how much he was putting into each and every panel...!
here's the one i was talking about...
huge monitor screen featuring insets of arisa, mg, and hammerskold, as well as schematics and photos of the d-gate that they went through...

image from a checkout stand tabloid reporting the alleged chupacabra killing spree in south america...

the cover of said tabloid, the weekly weird news...

the , um, choopie mobile...(don't ask...)

cover to the rodeo frank comic book that will be seen on choopie's snack-strewn coffee table...

fantastic job, eric~!
glad we could finally share something...!
as you all know, craig and i--and many, many friends--will be at the boston comic con this weekend~!
if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and say hi!
smell ya later~!