i know it's tough for me to tell y'all to come to a comic show that is counties, states, even continents away, and i certainly don't mean to frustrate anyone...but if you DO happen to be in the area code this sunday, please stop by at the ALBANY COMIC CON at the holiday inn on wolfe road! our pal, john belskis, is growing this show in just the right ways offering several huge rooms of dealers tables of comics and toys, costumed con attendees, an impressive guest list, original art for sale, and matthew dow smith and i will, once again, be conducting our already-legendary free-form comics panel/discussion that always ends up in either uncontrollable laughter or spontaneous fist-fights....usually it's the laughter...
oh, and i'll have lots of cool perhapanauts shwag!
see ya there~!
there is a particularly snazzy article/interview over at comic book resources with our pal, nick cardy (Artist at War), written/conducted by alex dueben! alex did a fantastic job and i urge you, one and all, to take a walk over there and check that baby out~!


the littlest perhapa-fan~!
our pal, russ burlingame, sent us this pic of his adorable son, dan, wearing the best hat that you could ever wear!
thanks, russ!
saw this over on ebaumsworld's monday morning randomness and just hadda share it...

a little sketch card that i did for my pal, mark sinnott...

that's it for this wednesday~!
see ya friday...and hopefully at the albany show!
smell ya later!
Great sketch, Todd! Um...Sinnott? Could that be...?
Thanks for the Nick link. I was hoping he'd tell "that tank story" that I love so much. I still laugh about that. My god, he was a dashing fellow, wasn't he?
See you Sunday Todd. You're absolutely right, they're growing the Albany Show very smartly and consistently.
I wish Albany was not so far. Fortunately, Boston, 2 weeks later, is right in my back yard. See you then, my friend.
I feel welcomed back into the fold after spending some time not regularly reading the blog! Mentioned twice in two days!
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