right outta the gate, i got some super-happy news--BIG CONGRATULATIONS to perhapa-brother, AMBER ATOMS creator/writer/artist, and all 'round great guy, KELLY YATES and his Family on the birth of the newest yates--emilia grace! born yesterday at 9 am, she joins kelly, his beautiful wife, leanne, and big brother, ivan. (his real name is isaac, but i call him ivan to drive his dad crazy...plus, he should learn now that that's how his uncle todd rolls...)

all best wishes of love and happiness, kel~
to you and the whole family~!
speaking of creator/writer/artists, my pal, JIM STARLIN, is giving everybody a much-anticipated glimpse at what he's been up to with BREED III, the newest adventures in his deadly world of hybrids and assassins! it's out this week and you can catch a preview of the action over at newsarama!


(and thanks to our, pal, russ for hooking this up...!)
throughout the course of your average day, craig, rich woodall and i will exchange several e-mails (if i'm not too busy writing...i try not to jump on the internet until the work is done, y'know, like at 4:30 or so...but then, ya need some reference or something and...well, there ya are. and these bastards just keep reelin' me in, with one email after another...$%@#ers!!!)
invariably, rich starts photoshopping (photoslapping!) together some of the funniest images you'll ever see, some not it for public consumption--if i had more room i'd show you the entire forrest gump parody he put together featuring craig and me--but here's one i love that has become my new desktop! (craig is realizing that he is farther along in the next perhapanauts story arc--5 issues, not 6...!)

and, here...penguin for penguin's sake...
(from yahoo)

and, okay--
here are
"five for friday!"
1. with measurements of 19-19-19, what gangly cartoon character has been dating a navy man for over 50 years?
2. what uniquely textured fabric features vertical ridges known as "wales"?
3. in an attempt to attract more german investors to the area, the (future capital) city of edwinton, north dakota was renamed what...?
4. for the past 30 years, cassandra peterson has been better known as what vampy late-nite movie host?
5. entomology is the study of what group of animals?
just a final reminder--
i'll be at the ALBANY COMIC CON this sunday with alla my friends--
Adam, Mike, James, Luis, Tom, Jessica, WALT!!, and many more~!
see ya there~!
and smell ya later!
and, of course...

We do have a good time don't we! :)
Congrats Kelly!!!
Congratulations, Kelly! Awesome news!
First and foremost, a big congrats to Kelly and Family. While his solo work is good, his collaborations are beautiful.
Second, Todd, have a great time in Albany.
Now, on to the Five.
1. Olive Oil.
2. Corderoy - I lived in my cords in the 1970's, but haven't worn that fabric since.
3. Bismark.
4. Elvira.
5. Insects.
I knew all those except Bismark. Shameful, since I'm German.
I had corduroy pants as a child and absolutely hated them after the second grade. That was around the time I became "the fat kid" and, well...you could kind of hear me coming down the hall if you know what I'm getting at.
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