so i am so totally psyched...
we've been hinting, we've been teasing, but come monday morning, YOU, our favorite perhapa-fan (and you know who you are... : ) will need to set aside a little extra time so that you can check out the all-new, all-cool brand-spankin'-new PERHAPANAUTS WEBSITE!!
oh, you heard right.
designed by web designer extraordinaire, KIERAN CHAPMAN, the 'haps site is gonna blow your tiny little mind!
i have access to it right now--12:00 am, thursday night--and i just can't stop roaming about the place! kieran's done a fabulous job and i just can't wait until you get a chance to see it!
even the blog is gonna look pretty!!!
so this is our last blog before the new website goes live--the answers to the "five for friday" below will be part of our first new post! and all this is just the first step in the build up/count down to The PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL 1 next month! stay tuned! there's more and more and more!
"random picture..."

apparently, this is called a grey-faced sengi, a member of the shrew family found in tanzia. i thought he was kinda cute. also known as the elephant shrew. poor guy.
"five for friday"
1. considered one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated, what towering figure was commissioned of chicago sculptors and buried in a field in upstate new york?
2. which friend learned to ride a bike as an adult?
3. the u.s. military's alleged project to turn a battleship invisible was known by what name...?
4. speaking of jokers, in steve miller's the joker, some people call him maurice, 'cause he speaks of what...?
5. name three actors who have portrayed the joker.
as kieran will be working on the blog and website this weekend, i'm not sure if your answers in the comments section will be affected, so please 'e' your answers over to me at
and i'll post them up there as soon as i can.
see ya monday!
with a whole new site!
woo hoo!
smell ya later!
no answers for the "5"... just wanted to give a "w00t!" for the new web site. Really looking forward to it!
Ahhh something to look forward to on Monday!
I think comments should work just fine while I tinker under the hood, so comment away!
1. dunno
2. Phoebe
3. Joker?
4. "the prophecy of love"
5. Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill, Caesar Romero
1. No idea but I can't wait to find out.
2. Should know this but don't.
3. The Philadelphia Experiment. Great movie.
4. The pompetous of love, whatever the hell that is.
5. Caesar Romero (a.k.a. "The 'stache"), Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger.
See ya on the new site. Cool!
Looking forward to the new site boys almost as much as the Annual.
On to the five for friday.
1. No idea, but Go Pats!
2. Phoebe
3. "Who Hide My Battleship," and Go Pats!
4. Because I speak of the Pompitous of Love - had to look up the spelling.
5. Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Cesar Romero
And Go Pats!
I haven't been able to answer trivia in a while so here goes:
1) Jimmy Hoffa?
2) Phoebe
3) Philadelphia Experiment
4) he's speaking of the pompotous of looooove.
5) Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Mark Hamill (cartoon version- maybe the best ever)
from adam hutch--
Here are my answers for the five for Friday trivia.
1. Beats Me but I'm curious enough to go look it up.
2. Phoebe
3. Have not a clue.
4. The Pompatus (is this a word?) of Love
5. Caesar Romero, Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger
from rich faber--
Congrats on the new website! Looking forward to seeing it. I don't know if I mentioned it, but I just redid my website a few weeks ago too. What a HUGE relief! I can't believe how much of a backlog of unposted work I had that hadn't been seen!
Ok, so I actually know all of your trivia answers, I think for the first time. Here they are:
"five for friday"
1. considered one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated, what towering figure was commissioned of chicago sculptors and buried in a field in upstate new york?
The Cardiff Giant
2. which friend learned to ride a bike as an adult?
3. the u.s. military's alleged project to turn a battleship invisible was known by what name...?
The Philadelphia Experiment
4. speaking of jokers, in steve miller's the joker, some people call him maurice, 'cause he speaks of what...?
"the pompitous of love," whatever the heck that means...
5. name three actors who have portrayed the joker.
Mark Hamill, Jack Nicholson, and Heath Ledger. Of course, there's also Caesar Romero, whose moustache was REALLY scary! ;-)
Looking forward to the new site.
3. Philadelfia Experiment
4. the properties (or prophesies) of love.
5. Cesar Romero - 60's tv series
Jack Nocholson - "Batman" movie
Heath Ledger - "The Dark Night" movie
BONUS - Mark Hammill (voice) animated series.
As far as the new website is concerned, did I say, "WOOO HOOO !" yet? :o)
I love that everybody who guessed number 4 spelled it different each time. We got "pompetous", "pompotous", "pompitous" and "pompatous". "Pomputous", anyone? :)
This CAN'T be a real word!
the correct spelling--from the original lyrics and the movie of the same name--is "pompatus"...
what it means is a question for another friday... : )
Too many have answered already for me to chime in.
My favorite hoax of all time is the Cardiff Giant though, love what they did there.
Mafus, it isn't a word, but it works for the song. Sorta like Susudio by Phil Collins, he just never found a word that worked better than what was made up as a placeholder.
Emilio even beat me to the "bonus" answer of Mark Hamill for the Animated series Joker.
Can't wait for Monday to get a look at the new site though guys, looks like a great year ahead for the 'Haps. Love that you and Craig are gonna be on the cover for issue two, saw it on Craig's blog.
Kewl beans on the revised site! can't wait to see it!
that little gut looks like something from the dark crystal!
as for the five-fer:
i only have for number 5:
Ceasar Romero, Jack Nicholson & my fave Mark Hamill-best.joker.ever!
as an added bonus for number 5:
Kevin Michael Richardson does the Joker on the new batman cartoon. he's done a ton of stuff as well.
I'm looking forward to seeing the changes to the site.
Ooo...New site to play with...
I grew up near Cooperstown, so I got to see the answer to #1, the Cardiff Giant, as a young lad. Not sure if he's still there. I think it was the Farmer's Museum or Market or something. Definitely not the Baseball Hall of Fame, though.
Hooray! Looking forward to the new site in all its perhapanaughty goodness...
Hope you'll provide more backstory on the Cardiff Giant when you post the answers... sounds like an interesting story.
can't wait to see new site!!
and finally, I actually kinda knew some trivia answers and a gazillion people beat me to them. sigh. oh, well, so it goes...
Ooooh... nice!
It's the new site!
*insert awestruck comment like, "My God...It's full of stars!"*
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