we'll call this, "the day of many links...
for those of you who've been reading the blog for some time now--well, first off, thank you.
second off, you know that, over the years, i have developed a pretty cool friendship with comics legend, nick cardy! nick has put up with my phone calls for years and we always enjoy our conversations (though lately i think he prefers talking to sharon...a sweet, sweet charmer, that nick...but i'm watchin' you, cardy!)
he's become my pal, my mentor, and my unofficial extra dad, and i love 'im!
and that's saying nothing of his wonderful artwork!
but this does.
though nick already has several books out showcasing his incredible talent and body of work--check out "the art of nick cardy" by john coates and "nick cardy: comic strips" by sean menard--he's putting together yet another one featuring many of his movie poster paintings and illustrations, as well as some of his gorgeous--and mostly unseen--oil, watercolor, and acrylic work! i'd go into it, but you can read a really great interview about it over on comic book resources!
take a look!

what's that you say...? you're still all jazzed up over the PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL and are dying to read another review of the book?! that you wish you could read a well-written and carefully thought out treatise on the wonders of all things perhapanautical? that you're bored at work and wish there were something exciting to read on the internets?
look no further.
check out c harris lynn's take on the bookover on his awesome blog, "the rundown"!
for those of you ready to sharpen your wits on the "five for friday", take a moment and boil your brain with this little quiz that alison hooked me up with the other day. i'm sure those of you in the advertising industry will be able to get them all right...heh, heh...you guys'll let me know how you do, right?
go on. go check it out. i'll wait.
fun, right?
(i missed two.)
and if that wasn't fun enough...
here are your
"five for friday"
1. what popular mystery writer, who just published her 20th novel, titles her books alphabetically?
2. what comic book featured a dog and a rabbit who were private detectives and who occasionally forgot which was which?
3. what is the term used for the act of turning a liquid into a gas?
4. h2o is water. what is h3o better known as?
5. who was lancelot link?
special knock-yourself-out bonus
~ name any seven popular and/or recurring characters from any of saturday night live's 32 seasons.
have a great weekend!
smell ya later!

I've been tempted to pick up that Teen Titans Showcase since learning of Mr. Cardy. Now I guess I'll have to.
As to the Fiver:
1. No idea. Guess she's only got 6 more to though.
2. Sam and Max
3. Evaporation
4. Hydrosomething
5. An agent of CHIMP
Bonus: I rarely watch SNL, but I do remember a Walken character called the Continetal or something like that. Hopefully he popped up more than once.
Happy Friday to all.
Great links Todd, I've just taken a quick peek, but will check them out later tonight.
On to the Five for Friday
1. Sue Grafton
2. Angel and the Ape
3. At the bar, we call it farting, but in high school science it was vaporization or evaporation.
4. More water ; )
5. Lancelot cuff's partner?
Emily Latella
Roseanne Rosanadana
The Coneheads
Jake and Ellwood Blues
The Killer Bees
Chico "Baseball been berry,good to me" Esquela
Mary Katherine Gallagher
OK, here goes....
1. Sue Grafton
3. evaporation
4. hmmmm water with an extra hydrogen, acid rain? (ughh... that can't be right...)
5. Lancelot Link, secret Chimp!! LOL!! LOVE THAT SHOW!!!
1. the church lady
2. Wayne & Garth
3. the ladies man
4. matt foley
5. mango
6. toonces
7. the spartan cheerleaders
1-Sue Grafton
2-Sam & Max (also a fun Lucasarts Computer Game)
c-Mr Short-Term Memory
d-Opera Man
e-Samurai Tailor/Dry Cleaner/Psychiatrist/etc
f-The Pathological Liar
g-Spartan Cheerleaders
I had problems getting in here today(like a server issue). I had to go to the home page, then link to the blog.
Anyway- Nick Cardy does some awesome work.
I missed 4 in the marketing test, but at least 1 was from not reading the question correctly.
for the 5er:
2 Sam & Dave?
3 Evaporate
4 Heavy water?
6 Father Guido Sarduci, Blues Brothers, the dudes from Wayne's World (Wayne & ?)
That's all I got.
my first attempt at a five on friday. oh, and t, i didn't send the marketing quiz to you - just tried it though and got 6 wrong - i am sooooo not aware - guess most advertisers are losing their investment on me.
1. what popular mystery writer, who just published her 20th novel, titles her books alphabetically? okay, i was gonna say agatha cristie, but she's dead, isn't she (i don't remember hearing about anything new being published by her) and also, i think she must be well past the 20 book mark. boy, and i'm not even blonde!!
2. what comic book featured a dog and a rabbit who were private detectives and who occasionally forgot which was which?
3. what is the term used for the act of turning a liquid into a gas?
4. h2o is water. what is h3o better known as?
is this a marketing question - is it some caffeine/sugar laden "energy" drink. yes - i homeskule. lol
5. who was lancelot link?
special knock-yourself-out bonus
~ name any seven popular and/or recurring characters from any of saturday night live's 32 seasons.
a. samurai chef
b. two wild and crazy guys
c. coneheads
d. jane the ignorant slut (actually more of a running joke line)
e. baba wawa
f. roseanne roseannadanna
g. house calling shark ("candygram" lol)
sooooo, i guess my first 5 on friday wasn't such a success - now i'll go see what all you smart people came up with. :-)
While I've never consciously known of Mr. Cardy's work, you've mentioned him before and I have to say he's one hell of an artist, and I'm jealous you're his friend. hehe
No time for the link's today, maybe over the weekend.
And here's my Five-fer answers:
1. I dunno Alfredina Hitchcock?????? =P
2. Awesome Sam & Max question! They just re-issued, all nice and fancy like, the graphic novel Hit The Road! And to 1-up the game comment…they had a cartoon too! =P
3. I think the answer here is eating anything from Taco Bell or White Castle! haha
4. err…..Water to a higher power?
5. um….i know this one but can’t recall, so I’m gonna look it up after this now!
special knock-yourself-out bonus
~ name any seven popular and/or recurring characters from any of saturday night live's 32 seasons.
a. I dunno the character, but Sprockets was a great one!
b. Wayne & Garth
c. Um, can’t recall the first name but Alec Baldwin and his Shweaty Balls!
d. The Ladies Man
e. Hans & Frans-‘To Pahmp Yooo Ahhp!”
f. ‘Oh No Not’ Mr. Bill
g. Night At The Roxbury guys!
1. what popular mystery writer, who just published her 20th novel, titles her books alphabetically? Can't thin of it
2. what comic book featured a dog and a rabbit who were private detectives and who occasionally forgot which was which? Sam & Max, though I should point out that Max always violently insisteted that he's actually a lagomorph
3. what is the term used for the act of turning a liquid into a gas? evaporation
4. h2o is water. what is h3o better known as? heavy water
5. who was lancelot link? The handsome pig on The Muppet Show
special knock-yourself-out bonus
~ name any seven popular and/or recurring characters from any of saturday night live's 32 seasons.
a. Wayne Campbell & Garth Algar
b. Leon Phelps: The Ladies Man
c. The Butabi Brothers
d. Mr. Robinson
e. Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker
f. The Church Lady
g. The Continental
Heywood, I knew about the Sam & Max game (I was big into all the Lucasarts games; Maniac Mansion, Curse of Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, etc, but I didn't realize they had a cartoon too. That's neat. I'll have to hit YouTube to see if I can find anything on it.
Adam-I dunno if there's anything on youtube, but they are available on vhs. sometimes they can be found on ebay. they had 3 volumes of them.
Man, Nick is amazing. I had no idea he'd done all those great movie posters. I am SO buying this book. Though a lot of artists lose...something...as they get older, that new Titans cover just proves Nick's only getting better.
Hey, Todd!
Long time. Did you see the on the A&E series "Paranormal State" the other day, they had a special on the Mothman? I couldn't help but think, "I can do that!" every time they showed a sketch of the creature.
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