so, i don't know if you're one of those people who has diamond distributor's monthly catalogue PREVIEWS on their pull list at their local comic book shop. i do and just assume that everyone else does as well.
and i'm wrong, of course.
(never assume)
so, if you, in fact, do NOT get previews then you did NOT see the solicit for PERHAPANAUTS #1 (Coming out in April--You should order yours NOW!) or the gorgeous three-page preview from the PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL! (IMAGE showing us some big love--we love you too, IMAGE!!)
well, if you don't get previews and you didn't get to see them, i thought that i should post them here as well, for those of you interested in seeing them a week or so early. for those of you who don't want to see them--and i'm with you, brothers and sisters! say the word spoiler and i head in the other direction! i love surprises...!
so i posted the three pages way down as the bottom. scroll no farther if you'd rather not see--though the pages don't really reveal all too much about the story or anything, but you decide for yourself what you want to do...
in the meantime, hope y'all had a great weekend and craig and i thought we'd let you know that--and here's that special announcement i was hinting at on friday--very shortly we will be offering, both in the comic and here on the website, these very nice, very affordable

we just thought you'd wanna know so you can start saving your money and getting your relatives shirt sizes from them. you're gonna want a lot of these!
okay, so here's the answers
to the "five for friday"
and then the preview pages from PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL...!
1. what was the wrecking ball for the brady's house of cards?
the dog, tiger, actually knocked the house down, but the girls won the contest
2. in the who's 1975, tommy, who played the specialist brought in to cure tommy's afflictions?
jack nicholson
3. how many days in a leap year?
4. what breed of dog is snoopy?
5. stephen king section
give the title of the stephen king novel or short story from the following descriptions:
a. a hotel with a haunted history possesses a man to murder his family
the shining
b. the end of the world comes not with a bang but a bad cell phone message
c. a car that isn't a car but may be a portal to another dimension
from a buick 8
d. the end of the world comes not with a bang but a bad case of the flu
the stand and night surf
e. four young boys go on an adventure to see a dead body
the body

gotta run!
smell ya later!
Sweet! On both counts! Those pages look awesome. Are you guys planning to bring these shirts to cons, or is this more of a print-on-demand type thing?
Preview and T-Shirts look GREAT! The end of the month can't get here fast enough.
There gonna be any toddler t-shirts sizes available, Todd? I'll put Lilah to work as a 'Haps billboard.
Art, words and colors are all top notch. Looking forward to sitting down with the entire issue. Kudos, lads.
this just made my day!! i can't wait to get me some shirts! i skipped the preview pages, i wanna be surprised when i get the book.(unless i get impatient then i'll read them beforehand!)
oh, our initial run will (most likely) be on plain white, heavy weight t-shirts... unless we hear from y'all that color is where it's at!
and yup, besides the website, we do plan on selling shirts at conventions...
and todd also plans on selling them out of his car.
The shirts look great. Good idea guys. Save one for me.
I can't wait for the new books. This is exciting.
I can't wait for the shirts and the pages look awesome. I didn't read them because I like surprises too. (Plus I never actually READ any of Todd's books. Are we supposed to do that?) Looks like Rico's doing something different. I can't put my finger on it but it looks great.
T shirts, pages, answers, oh my!
Love the shirts.
The pages look great, though I just glanced at them without reading them
Ok , so what breed of dog is Snoopy? (I know it's a beagle, but you forgot to put it down)
as emilio and heywood pointed out, i forgot to give the answer to number 4, which is, of course, a beagle.
and thanks everybody for your comments and enthusiasm! we got plenty more fun and announcements ahead, so keep on comin' back!
I couldn't resist, so I read the preview pages. Great stuff as usual guys.
Love the shirts, guys! I'd like to put in my vote for the Choopie on either black or blood red. White shirts don't work really well with my body chemistry. I'll let you figure out what that means...
The pages look outstanding too! Craig and Rico do phenomenal work! Todd, you're pretty good too, but I'll wait to actually read the pages on paper.
Oh, also, if I haven't already mentioned it, the new site looks fantastic! Keep up the great work! Talk to you soon!
I ditto all the good vibes on the shirts. I didn't even glance at the pages, though - I'm waiting for a full blown happiness when I get a copy in my grubby little mitts.
t and c - on the shirts - ds, Chay, immediately asked if there were black ones (of course, he's a teenager) or suggested the background brown of Issue 1 ppbz edition. It is cool, with the subtle darker mottle to it. However, white would suit me just fine - after all, it's all about the totally cool graphics (and spreading the word).
I am soooo psyched for all the great things going on for you guys and the 'haps!!
Can't wait for the Annual...
Shirts look cool. Did you guys go with digital printing? From the looks of the art that would be the way to go.
This coming from a guy in the screenprinting business too.
Although I really want a shirt with the BEDLAM logo on it.
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