well, today's the day--and you'd think that i'd once again be splattering the cover(s) of The All-New, All-Different PERHAPANAUTS #1 all over the place...
...but if you're the type that likes to check out the COMMENTS section each day then you already know that i just couldn't.
i just hadda post the funniest, hands down, hilarious-est response to a post that i've ever seen, by our own boothboy and CRICKET squad commander, BRIAN MULCAHY!
brian got all the "five for friday" right and here's his response...
Brian said on April 15, 2008 1:27 PM:
Hey, lookie here, got all the Five for Friday right.
My prize, an all expenses paid by trip to New York City to meet the fabulous creative minds behind the Perhapanauts, Todd and Craig.
Winners of the Five For Friday contest will be whisked to New York City by "Thumbs Up" Transportation. When hitting the open road, remember, hitch a ride with "Thumbs Up."
While in New York, winners will sleep at the newly delivered Brown Box Hotel, located one block, or more, depending on the wind, from the Javitz Convention Center and will be dining al fresco at the recently refilled Dumpster Diner conveniently located in the alley right behind the Javitz.
Also, winners will receive a year's supply of Fan Boy Funk Deoderant. Remember, nothing covers con funk, like Fan Boy Funk, a product of Mother's Basement Industries.
; )
Leaf said on April 15, 2008 8:04 PM:
Best post of the year goes to our friend Brian...
hey, bri--
i know we don't pay all that well (at all), but i DO have your early sign up exhibitor guest badge right here in my hand as we speak...
can't wait to see ALL you guys at the show!
craig, rico, brian, bill, scott!
my pal, nick cardy, is coming up!
CRICKET commander, khial forges will be there too!
our friends, kc carlson and johanna draper carlson, are coming up to the con and will be coming back to the house for a visit following the show. we're gonna go see the comic art exhibit a the norman rockwell museum on monday. (if we're not totally exhausted...)
if you're in the city, come out to the show!
and speaking of johanna draper carlson--a three-namer i always like to say--joahnna, as you know, has a great site called, COMICS WORTH READING www.comicsworthreading.com where she covers, along with comics, a wide variety of topics in pop culture and the outlying areas. she also does a ton of freelance writing for journals, other websites, magazines, etc.
...and she landed the gig covering The PERHAPANAUTS debut for the cool new, trendy mag you gotta have,
PiQ magazine! their editor, scott howard, contacted me about the possibility of an interview for their big issue, and i said, "great!" he then told me that he'd given their reporter my number and that she'd contact me soon to set up a time. johanna and i laughed when we realized, and then had a really fun interview.
go check it out! it's got an awesome cover featuring my favorite dog and rabbit combo, sam and max, so go out and grab a copy! (after you pick up several copies of perhapanauts #1, of course... : )

and that's all i got!
i'm heading down to the big NYC convention tomorrow afternoon, so i won't be here this weekend. but the blog will go up as i've put friday's together and have shown sharon how to post it. so have a great weekend and go get your copy of The All-New, All-Different PERHAPANAUTS #1!
all the cool kids are doing it...!
smell ya later!