as we race to get perhapanauts 5 together and off to the printer--as well as get everything ready for the baltimore comiccon next week, i've been ALSO trying to clean up/out my office which, sadly, has become an incredible cluttered mess. filled with comics and toys and books about ufos and bigfoot and the paranormal and, oh yeah, comics, it truly is a depressing--maybe even disturbing--sight. it's piled up so much that jake doesn't even wanna come in anymore! >sigh<
so i've been cleaning up. making boxes of stuff that can go and stuff that i love. and, as i go through these stacks and stacks of comics, it seems that the trend is that a lot of the newer stuff can go and the books that are near and dear to my heart are the older ones, the ones from my childhood (and some before...) that not only feature timeless stories that are still exciting today, but are also filled with ads that take me back at a glance. i realize that this is me trying to hold onto my childhood, but...whatever.

and of course you can't mention comic book ads from the 70s without including the hostess ads. here are a couple of my favorites...

i'll have more on the baltimore comiccon next week--as well as a couple of new announcements--but for now, have a great weekend, start thinking about those halloween stories --maybe we should have a contest...?-- and here's some trivia to hold you over...
"five for friday"
comics trivia
1. which artist drew more issues of brave and the bold than any other artist?
2. what member of batman's rogues gallery was deemed "off limits" in the 80s because his name might incite some racial controversy?
3. the groundbreaking comic book miniseries, the watchmen, was originally supposed to feature characters from what defunct comic book company?
4. who is responsible for the scar on the right side of jonah hex's face?
5. name the seven core members of the original justice league.
smell ya later!
Gonna take a stab this time:
1. The great Jim Aparo.
2. Either the White Flight or the Black Menace? Oh, wait. That was MYSTERY MEN.
3. Charlton Comics
4. Ummm....the Union army?
5. Green Lantern, The Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow...dang, I should know this...Snapper Carr?
Love those Hostess ads! Always made me hungry.
I too love the Hostess ads and got a big kick out of the tribute you and Craig did in the Not Gigantic Color Special.
I remember all those toys, but the only one I had as a kid was the Evel Knievel. It sure was a fun making him jump over things.
A week from today at this time I'll be down in Baltimore getting ready for the big show. Looking forward to seeing you guys down there.
Ok, on to the five for Friday.
1. Jim Aparo
2. That martial arts master Cu Clux Clan?
3. Charleton Comics
4. Didn't he cut himself shaving?
5. I was a Marvel Zombie, so I'm no help here.
from our pal, kc~~
I Had the Green Ghost Game! It was cool! I loved the trap doors and
the 3-D board. And great spinner!
I have to re-learn how to work my scanner and send you some Archie &
Josie Hostess ads. Dan DeCarlo did all of them and they're way cool!
"five for friday"
comics trivia
1. which artist drew more issues of brave and the bold than any other
The one who got the most assignments.
2. what member of batman's rogues gallery was deemed "off limits" in
the 80s because his name might incite some racial controversy?
The little-known Flaming Honky.
3. the groundbreaking comic book miniseries, the watchmen, was
originally supposed to feature characters from what defunct comic book
Harvey Comics. Nite-Owl: Casper, Silk Spectre: Wendy, Rorschach:
Spooky, Ozymandias: Richie Rich, Doctor Manhattan: Stumbo the Giant,
The Comedian: Sad Sack
4. who is responsible for the scar on the right side of jonah hex's
John Albano
5. name the seven core members of the original justice league.
Doc, Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Bashful and Wonder Woman. Snapper
Carr (aka Dopey) was the mascot.
Just guessing this week. Hope I was close...
yeah! i have a re-issue of the green ghost game--and an original of ka-bala that i got off of ebay! spooky!
for everyone who enjoys those old hostess ads, here's a site that some wonderful person put up posting ALL of the old hostess ads featuring all of your favorite characters!! woo hoo!
Smello? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
a clarification from kc~~
Just to clarify though, The Flaming Honky was a flamboyant Gotham ganglord that wore the mask of a Canadian Goose. The Terrible Trio (the Fox, the Shark and the Vulture) wouldn't let him in their gang because - they said - then they wouldn't be a Trio. There has always been speculation that the real reason was that he was... a Canadian.
Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times.
In case anyone asks.
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