i missed the build-up to HEROESCON this year 'cause i got all caught up in the Perhapanauts "Perfect Cover" Pin-up Contest.
which is still on.
your deadline to get a pin-up in to us is wednesday--that's this wednesday--june 17th, at 12 midnight (est). the winner will be chosen on thursday evening by--because i don't want to have to pick one out of all these fantastic pieces--comics legend, nick cardy!! (he doesn't know this yet--please don't tell him...) the winning pin-up will be posted here on friday with all of the incredible entries and published in an upcoming issue of the perhapanauts, which is awesome!
and, of course, the reason we will all be together--craig, rico, sharon, matt, suzanne, christian, leanne, rod, scott, jason copland, kelly, nick, maryanne, and me (and i'm sure i'm missed somebodys...) is because we will be at

if you want to come to what is, in my humble opinion, one of the best comics conventions in the country, then swing by and see us at heroes! we're packed and psyched and will have, not only the recently released perhpanauts trade (full of action, excitement, and a pantload of extras!!) but the hot-off-the-presses, brand new perhapanauts no.6, featuring stories by scott weinstein and leanne hannah, me and jason armstrong...oh, yeah, and some stuff by me and craig thrown in there for fun! all lovingly colored by our own rico renzi! it's a cool ish you're not gonna wanna miss!
get it!

so we waited until all three final episodes of pushing daisies were lined up on the dvr to sit down and watch them, last night in our own mini-marathon--and it was wonderful and sad all at once. three great episodes and all we could think is how stupid these networks have become, canceling shows with such potential, such a light. pushing daisies was as much a work of art, an expression of love, as it was a tv program.
what a loss...
if you didn't watch it, never had a chance to catch it, check it out on netflix or abc.com or wherever you get your shows.

and here are the
answers to the
"five for friday!"
identify the song and the band that go with these classic rock lyrics.
1. "i got it bad, got it bad, got it bad..."
van halen--"hot for teacher"
2. "didn't i, didn't i, didn't i see you cryin'?"
cheap trick--"i want you to want me"
3. "and harry doesn't mind if he doesn't make the scene,
he's got a daytime job, he's doin' alright."
dire straits--"sultans of swing"
4. "and that jukebox in the corner blastin' out my favorite songs,
the nights are gettin' longer, it won't be long..."
thin lizzy--"the boys are back in town"
5. "she took the midnight train goin' anywhere..."
journey--"don't stop believin' "
bonus: "for all our mutual experience our separate conclusions are the same."
billy joel--"summer, highland falls"
(sorry if that was a tough one. and old favorite and one my nephew's been playing over the past few weeks. it's been stuck in my head and that's just such a great line.)
smell ya later!
Heroes!!!!!! Woot! :)
Not making the trip this year as it is not only Father's Day, but also the big extended family annual summer get together.
Have a great time and good luck to all the contestants.
Have a great time at Heroes everybody!
Have fun, Brian. I'm sorry you can't make it, though. Heroes is my big extended family annual summer get-together. :)
This year it's just too important not to miss our anniversary (Thursday), not to mention Father's Day, so it's with great regret that I'll miss the show, and of course, all of you guys. Traci comes first though, and she's apparently getting out of the hospital this Wednesday. I hope you all have a great show, and are extremely productive. Hopefully, I can rejoin you next year.
See you all in Baltimore!
Can't wait for the show! Rod and I both need it after the weekend we've had.
Looking forward to seeing you in Baltimore, Rich. Thinking of you both!
Can't wait! It's like Christmas and Mecca all rolled into one! Um...Er...Or something like that...
I can't wait. It's going to be a great time.
Brian and Rich, sorry you guys can't make it. But family absolutely has to come first. And Rich I'm glad to hear Traci is doing better.
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