cleveland was lots of fun and craig and i got to meet and hang out with a lot of really cool, really fun people at the show!
but you don't wanna hear about that--you're yelling, "bring on the costumes!!"
and so not to keep you in any further suspense...

the watchmen's rorshach and the silk spectre
the green lantern, jade
a cute star trek couple
and here we have a series i like to call
"a family that costumes together..."
a young superman and supergirl
(we could not get serious superman here to break character once. he was pretty determined about defending truth, justice, and the american way)
(the next day he was all smiles when we found out he was a spider-man fan...!)
here they are with mom as a stunning mrs. incredible!
and dad showed up one day as the original scarlet speedster, the flash~~!
~~and the next as his junior sidekick, kid flash~~!
jedi twi'lek
and the next three photos have the common ingredient of featuring our new friend, kim, as she made several costume changes throughout the weekend...
here she is with husband, kieran, (and their friend whose name is written down on a piece of paper somewhere where i cannot find it and so many, many apologies, man...)
kim and kieran--that's kieran on the left--are huge impulse fans and so we got to chat with them about our favorite little speedster. but we were more fascinated with all the cool costumes kim had made, including...
that's her in the smokin' adam hughes inspired catwoman costume, along with friends, wonder woman and supergirl...
...and again as one of my favorite green lanterns, arisia, from the great steve englehart/joe staton years of green lantern corps!
great costumes all, kim!
and these were some shots that craig had from heroescon in charlotte that he just sent over and i thought you'd like...

zatanna and the question

me and superwoman

and while mark mchaley is not a superhero, he is our hero--a fantastic painter whose work you'll be seeing in an upcoming issue of the perhapanauts--and was our near-constant companion this weekend at screaming tiki!
oh, and that's our pal and my two morrows/modern masters editor, eric nolen-weathington, between us in the background!
which reminds me; the chris sprouse modern masters hit the shelves last wednesday and if you're a chris sprouse fan (and who isn't...?) or a tom strong fan (again...) and you don't go out and pick one up, you're a moron.
i caused a little stir the other night on my facebook page when, for lack of anything else to say, in my status heading, i gushed over how gorgeous the perhapanauts page (from the upcoming halloween spooktacular) that craig had just sent me was.
it was.
and is.
truly gorgeous.
a lot of people cried that this was teasing and i had to agree, unintentionally, it was.
to apologize for that, i posted the first page of the story and if you're one of those people who like a glimpse or little preview of what we're working on, you can go check it out for yourself at
the page doesn't give away anything about the story, but it is spectacular nonetheless.
i know you'll dig it!
smell ya later!
there were no jokers?
yeah--there was an awesome joker! was that you? i can't get the pic to load...i'm trying to upload it but blogger's giving me a hard time...
i'll get it posted somehow!!
haha yeah it was :]
and i read your issue, pretty interesting. you going to the tiki con in november?
That Kid-Flash is boss!
Thanks for sharing that great 'Haps splash Todd and . . . Me- Wow for that Catwoman.
It was great to see and chat with you again! I also totally missed most of those costumes due to only being there a day. And running around staffing! D:
Hi Todd. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Little Superman and Supergirl are still loving the autographed Spiderman comics you gave them. Hope we see you again soon (we'll be certain to bring extra pretzels for you and your friends - haha!). Fun talking to you and Craig.
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The dude in the Kid Flash costume is my buddy, Chase.
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