just in case you forgot what you should be looking for come wednesday after noon, i've attached these two jpegs for you to print out, clip out, and pin to your chest. then, go to your nearest comic shop, and look for the comics on the rack that match these two pictures! pay for them and your done! it's THAT simple!

big week, this week, as craig and i prepare for the BIG, HUGE, COLOSSAL show in NEW YORK CITY this coming weekend!
we'll be there with all our PERHAPA-SHWAG; the t-shirts, the trading cards, and our #1, premiere issue (if shipping doesn't get screwed up...) of PERHAPANAUTS #1!
we'll be there, as will rico and scott, with his book, AFTER SCHOOL AGENT! if you don't already have a copy, pick one up! and take a look at a sneak preview of issue 2! sweet!
let us know if you're gonna be there!
hope you had a great weekend!
here are the answer to
your "five for friday!"
1. what actor/comedian has hosted saturday night live the most times?
steve martin
2. who, by his own count, has hosted saturday night live 100 times (because he counts re-runs?)
christopher walken
3. in the rime of the ancient mariner, what dead sea-bird does the mariner wear hung around his neck?
an albatross
4. what ominous public service announcement would begin "it's 10 o'clock, do you know _________ _______ __________ ______?"
"...where your children are?"
5. match the following states with their capitals
a. augusta, maine
b. carson city, nevada
c. olympia, washington
d. montgomery, alabama
e. salem, oregon
gotta run!
smell ya later!
Hoping to score an Art Adams cover without paying the jacked up "variant" cover prices most stores like to charge. Regardless I plan on stocking up and distributing to friends. Gotta spread the good word.
I'm in for both covers. I don't usually buy multiples just for covers but usually, the variant covers suck. Not so in this case, obviously.
All I'm gonna say is:
Whoooo Hoooo!
Ok I'll also add that I won't be going to NewYork, but already prepaid my ticket to HeroesCon (NC), see you there.
I can't wait to pick this up, both covers mind you, but on newsarama's previews from image for the week have nothing about the book.....wtf?! where's the love dammit?!....just wondering.....somebody posted the same thing on there as well.....
Awesome. I can't wait for this Wednesday. I will have my note pinned to my chest so that I won't get confused.
Also, thanks for the After-School Agent shout out.
Hey, lookie here, got all the Five for Friday right.
My prize, an all expenses paid by trip to New York City to meet the fabulous creative minds behind the Perhapanauts, Todd and Craig.
Winners of the Five For Friday contest will be whisked to New York City by "Thumbs Up" Transportation. When hitting the open road, remember, hitch a ride with "Thumbs Up."
While in New York, winners will sleep at the newly delivered Brown Box Hotel, located one block, or more, depending on the wind, from the Javitz Convention Center and will be dining al fresco at the recently refilled Dumpster Diner conveniently located in the alley right behind the Javitz.
Also, winners will receive a year's supply of Fan Boy Funk Deoderant. Remember, nothing covers con funk, like Fan Boy Funk, a product of Mother's Basement Industries.
; )
Best post of the year goes to our friend Brian...
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