the chupacabra hubbub down in texas
so last summer, that woman found a weird dog or something down in texas and dubbed it the chupacabra without, i'm guessing, actually doing a little research first to see what a chupacabra is all about. okay, these things happen--sometimes, i'm told, history is MADE.
so now this deputy down there captures this footage on his dash cam
and calls it a chupacabra 'cause it looks just like what he saw on the t-shirt.
(way to check your facts, deputy)
weird, whatever it is, but i kinda wish they'd give it a different name.
call it the dewitt county devil or something...

so the other day i was talking with my buddy, sanford greene, who is currently finishing up the art on one of the issues of marvel adventures spider-man that i wrote. he's doing an incredible job--wait 'til you see his spidey! and his prowler! and, well, hell--the whole thing!! he told me that he had had a little trouble getting started on one of my absolute favorite marvel characters (who is huge and purple!) and i suggested that he look at some pictures of snapping turtles for reference! --anybody know? guesses...?--
anyway, sanford showed me that he'd already gotten past it--and did an incredible job on that too!--but, later, i found myself doing a google search to see if i could find some cool images of snapping turtles. while browsing through some of those, i realized that i have--and always have had--an affinity for these prehistoric-looking reptiles, have always been drawn to them in one way or another, and that i actually have quite a few stories that involve them.

in searching around for those snapping turtle pics, i stumbled across a very cool blog called ugly overload at
it was full of some really cool photos of some really cool...and, okay, creepy critters that i thought i'd share. this one might not look like much, like a couple of eels suckin' on the glass...

but, wait, look...this is what their mouths look like...!

i know--right?
a giant leaf-tailed gecko

and this is some sea dwelling thing called a giant isopod. there's nothing to really get a reference of size in the pic, but i can tell you now i would NOT want to run into this in the hallway in the middle of the night when i'm getting up to pee.

gotta go!
smell ya later!
um, yeah that isopod is f-in SCARY looking! very alien like though....
i've always been a fan of the snapper but moreso the alligator snapper cuz they're HUGE and creepy at the same time, but the whole prehistoric look was what always got me
That isopod is horrible looking. I can see it attaching to my face and laying its nasty alien eggs inside my skull. Then, later on when we're all sitting in the mess hall on our space ship talking about what a close call that was, alien monsters burst forth from my skull.
So yeah, I don't want to see that anywhere in my home.
I can't stop staring at that eel's mouth. Looks like the Sarlac pit from Return of the Jedi (before George Lucas made it look like Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors).
That Texas choopie kinda looks like a boar and dog hybrid. Strange indeed.
Those lamprey/eel things aren't what I'd want find attached to certain areas after a swim.
We (as in me and some co-workers) did some research on those isopod things a couple months ago as they kept popping up on Lolcats. The general consensus was, "What in the @#% are those things?" I think Scott nailed it on the feeling they evoke. Odds are they're a friendly lifeform that does beautiful pottery.
Odds are they're a friendly lifeform that does beautiful pottery.
christian d. leaf, you slay me.
Wow, I need to stop checking the blog right before I go to bed. I know I'm going to wake up at 4 AM now, freaking out, because an isopod was trying to harvest my spleen via my nose.
Purple guy reminiscent of a snapping turtle...Dragon Man, maybe? Is he purple? Or gray. Hrrmmm...
very nicely done, ernie. : )
I've seen those eel things before... two of 'em grabed onto my boot when I was fishing as a little kid... they're called lamprey... they're horrible beasties that latch onto fish (or fishermen who aren't paying attention) and bore holes into them...
Here's a link to a few pics
Do the world a favor and KILL them if you see them... ick
Спасибо понравилось ! Thanks !
Thanks за материалы! :)
Its not an eel dumb ass its a Lamprey.
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