so let's start off with the schawag part of the post...
here is some of the loot that i was so lucky to pick up or be gifted with at heroescon last weekend!

a gift from wicked awesome bprd artist (and sandman mystery theater and nevermen and the marquis and...) our perhapa-pin-up pal, guy davis

and, at the same table, a book that i just can't wait to start, basajaun by rosemary van deuren

as the show was winding down and everyone was packing up, artist david wachter stopped by to drop off his comic book prelude to the guns of shadow valley. i read this on the plane coming back and found it both exciting and intriguing! i can't wait to see more!

i got femme noir no.4 months ago, but couldn't find the one with mike's cover. my pal, joe staton, hooked me up! (i still like the unused version, mike!)
and for a quick little spotlight here (more spotlighting of our haps guest artists and writer will be taken care of on monday's blog...), we got a chance at the show to hang out with and enjoy the artwork of leanne hannah!
here's a quick glimpse for you--

we love rod and leanne hannah! leanne, of course, is the wonderful artist who illustrated scott (weinstein's) molly story in the current issue. and she'll be doing more. rod is a writer and he and i love to chat about character and character development and he digs the character interactions i've got going on in the book. (and it's always nice to hear that someone likes what you're doing. : ) check out rod and leanne's webcomic, blue milk special, at;

leanne's sketchbook
(you can see lots of leanne's art and order her sketchbook at

i also picked up scott's after school agent convention special with art by leanne--man, she's everywhere!!
the molly figure that leanne was so sweet to give me, custom crafted by her friend, topher.
(yes, we're asking him to do more!)
our good friend and perhapa-pal (and, in my opinion, a fantastic writer...) ernie cooper, was kind enough to hook us up with this awesome tumbler/beer glass--perfect for here at the "plays well with otters" offices...
thanks, ernie!
and my friend, john, who's been a fixture every year since I'VE been coming to heroes and who is always so generous with his books and gifts, brought me this awesome buck knife. thanks, john!
more tomorrow!
smell ya later!
Nice looking swag man!!
now I'm really jones'in for baltimore!
the molly fig and that tumbler look great! i see some good marketing ideas there!
and hey looky there....leanne has her name on the front of her sketchbook!! =P
Leanne and Rod are two of my favorite people. They're the only folks I can have a serious conversation with about Hammer Horror. (And now, apparently, Amicus!) How come I'm just hearing about this web comic!??
You guys are too good to me. Seriously. Thanks again, Todd :)
And yeah, Mike, I always thought it was a good idea to put your name on the cover of a sketchbook. Seems like a no brainer to me...
Matt-- right back at ya! I seriously need to watch The Skull again. Can't believe I forgot to tell you about our webcomic! I'll send you a copy of our convention special booklet.
I'm officially jealous, Todd. I've been a big fan of Femme Noir since it first hit the web and was very disappointed that I couldn't find the Ringo cover.
ebay, my man. ebay.
Nice Schwag Todd! Man I hate missing conventions! The Molly figure has a nice DC Animated look to her.
You picked up a lot of great stuff. That action figure is awesome.
any content coming ?
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