happy friday!
so, okay--the race is one! i'm getting quite a few 'e's from people--artists--telling me that they're psyched to do a perhapanauts "perfect cover" pin-up and are already hard at work! remember, these are due in by 12 pm (est) next wednesday, june 10th! the winner will be announced--and all entries posted--next friday at about this time! have fun! and good luck!
so, stay with me on this one, it meanders a bit...
when craig and i hit the new york comicon last february, we got to see and hang with a bunch of our friends (bill and brian), chat up many of our old friends (chris jones, member of the screaming tiki six) and make some new ones. and, of course, i got to go and do a podcast interview with our good pal, russ burlingame, for comicrelated.com. (russ, as you all know, supports us with his fun "what's perhappenin'?" blog/post/column after the release of each and every issue.)
so russ takes me over to podcast alley--or whatever they were calling that...what were they calling that, russ?--and we chat for a few moments while russ's coworkers are finishing up one podcast and getting the tech ready for ours, and i see this very cool print on the table that looks a great deal like an old nazi propaganda poster--but with funny animals on it. and there, sitting at the table doing sketches of funny animals in victorian era costumes, is a lovely girl very intent on her drawing. she's very good. she tells me that she doesn't have any copies of her first issue yet, but that they're selling this print and i buy it up in a heartbeat. i dig it bigtime! her name is lauren monardo and she is the artist on an independent book called the slightly askew adventures of inspector ham and eggs. we chat a bit, i do my silly interview, and i head back to the table, my cool, autographed print in hand. can't wait to show craig.
a bit later, russ comes over with a surprise--a choopie sketch that lauren zipped off in about two minutes, full of fun and choopie prankishness! somehow it gets mixed in with craig's stuff--he has larger portfolios that better protect our artwork and sometimes he takes everything home and i don't get it til later. this was one of those times...

the other day, lauren--and her writer-partner stephen lindsay--friended me up on facebook and lauren and i got chatting about the possibility of her doing a short haps back-up and it looks like a go! (and don't worry, i'm not trying to steal her, stephen...)
the good news is that, now, months later, stephen and lauren have two issues of their ground-breaking, genre-busting, stunningly-illustrated, espionage-laden murder mystery and you can check them out over at

and, of course, i'll let you know when and where you'll be able to see lauren's story when we get it done!
thanks, lauren!
and stephen, for loaning her to us!
and russ for...well, for being russ!
"five for friday!"
name 'em!
1. name three people who have played lois lane.
2. name three people who have played lex luthor.
3. name six people who have played batman.
4. name three people who have played anakin skywalker.
5. name three people who have played indiana jones.
name yer poison!
smell ya later!
Hey, that HAM AND EGGS book looks pretty cool! I'll keep my eyes peeled for copies.
Todd, which podcast was that? I wanna download.
Inspector Hamm and Egg looks like my cup of tea. I'll have to hunt that down.
Being a writer, not a drawer, I can honestly wish everyone good luck with the art contest.
On to the five for friday.
1. Hatcher, Kidder and ?
2. Hackman, Spacey, Rosenblum
3. West, Keaton, Clooney, Bale, ?, ?
4. Christensen,
5. Ford, ?, ?
Thanks for telling us about that book todd!
I'm gonna go over there later and check it out.
For the Five-fer, I actually know most of these!!!- I'll add on to what brian has:
1. Erica Durance(c'mon Brian you watch the show! =P)
3. Val Kilmer, Kevin Conroy(do V-O actors count?)
4. Jake Lloyd, Sebastian Shaw
5. All I can add is Sean Patrick Flannery
1. Noel Neil and Kate Bosworth
5. River Phoenix from the intro to Last Crusade - the origin of Indy's Scar...
And deep down I feel bad for not remembering ANYONE from the syndicated Superboy series from the late 80s.
I do, but I couldn't pull her or Noel out of my increasingly old brain.
Blanked on Val Kilmer as well and Harrison Ford took a little pulling on the old grey matter as well.
1. Dana Delany, Erica Durance, Kate Boswell
2. Clancy Brown, Gene Hackman, Kevin Spacey, Michael Rosenbaum (who's played the Flash, and in one episode the Flash posing as Lex Luthor!!)
3. Adam West, Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Kevin Conroy, Dedrich Bader
4. James Earl Jones, David Prowse, Sebastian Shaw
5. Harrison Ford, Sean Patrick Flannery, River Phoenix
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