didn't get a lot of entries, but the ones i did get are certainly solid trivia questions...and i didn't think a one of them fell into the minutia category (do you?)
thanks to denis, brian, kc, and roger for stepping up and sending some in--now let's see how we ALL do.
you can all post your answers in the comments section where i'll be posting mine around noon (EST).
good luck!
from denis
1) In the US, it's commonly referred to as a hurricane, but what is this weather feature called in the areas around
a) The Indian Ocean?
b) The Pacific Ocean?
2) Humans can be individually identified by their finger-prints. What prints are dogs identified by?
3) What is the body of an airplane called?
4) What person won the most number of Academy Awards, winning an incredible 26 Oscars!?
5) How many of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still exist today?
from brian
He/She Won An Oscar for Best Actor/Actress, Really?
1. This TV sidekick won for a film featuring in its title the name of another famous sidekick and beat out Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino to do it.
2. Both his Oscar winning character and the character in he played on TV had their names in the tiitle of the show. He beat out James Cageny, James Dean, Frank Sinatra and Spencer Tracy for the Oscar.
3. He is a big hit at Christmas whether at home, or on the road. He beat out Cary Grant and his co-star in the film for the Oscar.
4. Mention this woman's "name" and you will think single before you think movie. She beat out Meryl Streep and Glenn Close.
5. Same clue as for number 4, but this one beat out Diana Ross, Maggie Smith, Cicely tyson and Liv Ullmann.
from kc
So, my trivia questions are too hard for you, huh? Try these.
1. How many strings are there on a 12-string guitar?
2. How many playing cards in a standard 52-card deck?
3. What do you call those things at the ends of your hands? You know... um... fingers? Damn. Never mind.
4. How many band members are in a standard 4-piece combo?
5. How many Green Chinese Pots in a dozen?
Hi Todd,
Here are my questions for your Friday trivia challenge. They all have the theme of "mascot." I included a sixth in case one of the original 5 is too trivial.
1. Who was the mascot of the Milwaukee Braves and later the Atlanta Braves until 1986 when he was removed, in part, due to race issues?
2. Jay Ward & Bill Scott, creators of Bullwinkle, produced a series of popular commercials starring which high ranking cereal mascot?
3. Speaking of Bullwinkle, what cereal featured him in their commercials?
4. Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse?
5. What cryptid is a native of Northern Wisconsin and is the mascot for the city of Rhinelander?
6. Who was the "mascot" of the original Justice League of America? (Thanks to KC for this question.)
Hope ya like 'em!

have a great weekend!
smell ya later!
That's a lot of questions.
2. Paws ?
3. Fuselage
4. Edith Head - I met her once.
5. 3 ?
Brian: I'm five for five on this one. ;-)
I'm guessing the answer is contained in all the questions, although I do believe the standard 52 card deck comes with 2 Jokers, so it would be 54, not 52.
4. Walt Disney
And good luck to Kelly who is braving the craziness that is the San Diego Comic Con to promote Amber Atoms as well as his work on Dr. Who.
First off, I'm well chuffed that my questions got used! Anyway, without confirming correct answers this early- Brian, Edith Head does indeed hold a record number of Academys, but it's only 8- "more than any other woman in history", according to her Wiki article.
from denis
1) In the US, it's commonly referred to as a hurricane, but what is this weather feature called in the areas around
a) The Indian Ocean?
b) The Pacific Ocean?
2) Humans can be individually identified by their finger-prints. What prints are dogs identified by?
i know that they say we all have very original tongue prints, but...for dogs, i don't know...nose prints?
3) What is the body of an airplane called?
4) What person won the most number of Academy Awards, winning an incredible 26 Oscars!?
walt disney
5) How many of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still exist today?
let's see...
1.) hanging gardens of babylon--gone
2.) colossus at rhodes--gone
3.) great pyramid of giza--still here
4.) the sphinx--still here
5.) the lighthouse at alexandria--gone
6.) the coliseum--still here (but in ruins)
8.) can't remember the last one, but they remake king kong every 25-30 years...
i'll guess 3.
from brian
He/She Won An Oscar for Best Actor/Actress, Really?
1. This TV sidekick won for a film featuring in its title the name of another famous sidekick and beat out Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino to do it.
art carney (the honeymooners inimitable ed norton) for harry and tonto
2. Both his Oscar winning character and the character in he played on TV had their names in the tiitle of the show. He beat out James Cageny, James Dean, Frank Sinatra and Spencer Tracy for the Oscar.
3. He is a big hit at Christmas whether at home, or on the road. He beat out Cary Grant and his co-star in the film for the Oscar.
bing crosby
4. Mention this woman's "name" and you will think single before you think movie. She beat out Meryl Streep and Glenn Close.
5. Same clue as for number 4, but this one beat out Diana Ross, Maggie Smith, Cicely tyson and Liv Ullmann.
liza minnelli. i only got this one 'cause i figured out her competitors, brian--but i don't think 'single' when i think of liza--i think crazy...
from kc
So, my trivia questions are too hard for you, huh? Try these.
1. How many strings are there on a 12-string guitar?
on mine...? 11. that high G string is always the first to break...
2. How many playing cards in a standard 52-card deck?
52--not counting jokers and instruction cards
3. What do you call those things at the ends of your hands? You know... um... fingers? Damn. Never mind.
i was gonna say that...
4. How many band members are in a standard 4-piece combo?
a quartet is four.
5. How many Green Chinese Pots in a dozen?
from roger
1. Who was the mascot of the Milwaukee Braves and later the Atlanta Braves until 1986 when he was removed, in part, due to race issues?
2. Jay Ward & Bill Scott, creators of Bullwinkle, produced a series of popular commercials starring which high ranking cereal mascot?
"high ranking" makes me think captain crunch, but didn't they also do the quisp commercials...?
3. Speaking of Bullwinkle, what cereal featured him in their commercials?
4. Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse?
walt disney
5. What cryptid is a native of Northern Wisconsin and is the mascot for the city of Rhinelander?
i totally don't know. i should...but i don't.
6. Who was the "mascot" of the original Justice League of America? (Thanks to KC for this question.)
snapper carr
Ok, it's been a day, so here's some answers to my own set of trivia challenges!
1) Typhoon is correct, but monsoon isn't! Everyone I've asked that question to guessed monsoon- I think it's what makes it such a good pub-quiz style question. Unfortunately, it's not the right answer.
2) Nose prints are indeed the unique identifier of pooches.
3) Too easy? It is indeed the fuselage.
4) Walt is correct. I was impressed that Brian at least didn't jump at an actors name, which seemed to be the area most of my friends guessed at.
5) Believe it or not, the Sphinx and Roman Coliseum are not on the Seven Wonders list! Strange, but true.
Good work so far. I'll wait till Monday to post the answers to 1 and 5, just to give a bit more time.
oh, denis~!
now you've got me on the edge of my seat...!
can't wait to hear the rest.
i only knew walt disney 'cause i had that question once at a trivia challenge and one of my teammates knew it!
great job!
Hey ya'll,
From the bottom:
No idea for roger
I'm not sure if KC is actually expecting answers
stumped by brian
for denis-I only had:
typhoon & ?
nose prints
(drew a blank)
2 (pyramid at giza & great wall of china)
that's all folks.
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