very busy today (this week...this month~!) and in a bit of a funk, so with nothing much to post today, i grabbed a few images from one of my favorite blog posts--monday morning randomness over at
there's a lot more funny stuff and fun over there, as well as games and funny video clips, so head on over when you've got a minute. or a half an hour...

have a great weekend!
smell ya later!
i said that i was "in a funk" up above and immediately received a bunch of notes and emails from a lot of you--thanks for caring, gang--it means a lot--but i wanted to assure you that it's really nothing. i DO have a lot of work on my plate right now and i am definitely NOT complaining about that!!! woo hoo!--but with everything that's going on we had a--i'll call it a mis-hap--the other day that couldn't have come at a worse time.
as many of you know, i live in a very rural area of upstate new york, in the converted carriage house on a colonial estate that sits in the middle of a huge apple orchard. though not a working farm, my house (a rental) is attached to a huge barn now used mostly for storage and whatnot, old farming tools and a few ancient farming machines. there are--along with two riding lawn mowers to take care of the vast fields on the property--two classic tractors that hail from, i think, the thirties and the forties respectively. thought they both need plenty of work, they both look pretty cool.
recently the caretaker here at the property decided to fix up the older of the two and try to sell it. a handy guy (but not the sharpest tool...) , he began working on it to get it in shape and decided to try cranking it up--distracting while i'm working as the barn and my office share a wall, but it didn't stop me from i said, i've got a lot on my plate.
so, of course, not realizing that the gears are engaged, george fires this ton and a half thing up--and it immediately lurches to life, jumping forward ...and plowing right through my office wall. my back was to it and i was lucky that it just threw me forward, threw everything forward. aside from the wall itself, it didn't do a lot of damage--snapped one of the legs on my desk, but that's easily fixed--but now i have this huge hole in my wall that they're working on now, as i type--yes, i'm writing about you, nimrod! smile, smile. we'll have this fixed in a day or two. $#@&!%!
i show you pictures, but until the insurance is figured out...
so that's what the funk is. sorry to alarm anyone...
DAMN! You're just in "a funk"? I would have had to have been sedated. I hope nothing in the room was damaged. You've got some cool stuff in there. And it's got to be cold as s*** in there now. You're getting snow, aren't you?
Sorry to hear about the mishap but I'm glad you're busy. Good luck, man. Jeez.
At least you weren't "balls to the wall" busy...
Sorry, I couldn't resist, Todd.
Damn! I just thought that happened on sitcoms. Glad you're OK. That's frightening.
Wish this were an April Fool's Day prank.
Glad to hear you were not hurt and that everything can be repaired.
Glad you're ok
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