so, no secret, i love trivia.
i will find myself going through phases of trying to watch a lot of trivia-based game shows, mostly fast-paced ones, rapid-fire questions. jeopardy, win be stein's money, etc. last winter sharon and i found ourselves preparing and eating dinner with the discovery channel's cash cab on at 6 and then over to the game show network at seven for reruns of the ann robinson hosted weakest link. while the range of questions on link ran from difficult to duh, the cash cab usually had a steady stream of questions to get you thinking.
they changed link's time slot back in the spring, but i think we had already caught the entire run and were starting on reruns of the reruns (i'm VERY good at those...! : )
if i'm done with work early enough, i'll still put on cash cab.
and being that i go into the big apple from time to time, i always have my eye out hoping that i might see the cash cab rolling down the street.
my fantasy goes like this; i'm in the city hanging out with scott for the day or the weekend or something and we gotta catch a cab. i wanna show scott that i know how to do this and i put up my hand. and who pulls up but ben bailey in the CASH CAB!!! we're both pretty observant and so we both notice at the same time, but we also know to play it cool, play it down, act like we don't know. i furtively ask scott what the farthest fare would be (so we have the longest ride to wrack up the most money!) we get in and tell him 125th street (we were in the village--i dunno what we were doin' there...) all casual-like and like we don't know. we act real dumb. the disco lights go off and we act surprised and ben tells us we're in "the cash cab--the game show that takes place right here in my taxi!" and we tell him "ben, we're about to beat your ass up!"
'cause scott and i are the $#!& when it comes to trivia.
somehow we win $4,862, which is unprecedented and weird, and there aren't even any comic book or saturday night live questions. we've broken all of the cash cab records--and the bank!--and ben tells us he's done for the day so we take him out to dinner with our crazy winnings 'cause he is easily the nicest game show host ever!! we even take a cab back to 42nd street to take him to virgil's for the best bar-b-que in new york and grill the cabbie with trivia that he can't answer along the way. he's a nice guy though and i tip him $50 and then scott says that maybe he'd better hang onto the money for now.
people hear about scott and my amazing trivia abilities and we start training for the u.s. olympic trivia team for the 2012 olympics where, because this is still my fantasy, it's an event and we destroy the competition, even when the questions are about their own countries!
we bring home the gold.

that's my fantasy, well...ONE of them...
anybody wanna share theirs...?
here are some of the
questions we kicked
ass on...
"five for friday"
1. what former boxer and sportswriter hosted a sunday evening variety hour for 24 years?
2. in it's original incarnation, who was the host of jeopardy?
3. creator of the dating game and the newlywed game, and creator/host of the gong show, chuck barris also claimed to be working for who?
4. what city was buried under ash and debris after the eruption of mount vesuvius?
5. what is the only marsupial indigenous to north america?
have a great weekend!
smell ya later!
(had to correct something...)
man that's some fantasy there todd! i'd share one of mine but um this is family oriented here right? =P
i do have dreams of being one of the ghost hunter crew though, that would be frikkin awesome cuz they get to go to some really cool places. then there's the one where i hunt down and capture the jersey devil, yeah i dream big! haha
as for the five-fer i only gots two a dem:
4. Pompeii
5. Opossum?
That's hilarious.
I like how you play it cool until you get in the cab, then pick a far destination. Nice of you to buy him dinner after taking all his money, too.
I've got nothing for the 5er. I only had 2 guesses, but they're the same answers Mike beat me to.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Todd, I think your fantasy was that there's good barbeque in New York. Come on down south and we'll run you out to Wilber's in Goldsboro, NC. Now THAT'S some good barbecue.
Isn't it sad and a little pathetic that that's what I got out of that long post?
The CASH CAB guy was interviewed on our local radio station this very morning about his recent Emmy win for best game show. Beat out JEOPARDY, which I find ridiculous. JEOPARDY is the best game show ever. Trebek won for best host, however, and the CAB guy was laughing because he said Bob Barker was always kicking Trebek's ass at the Emmys. Wasn't until Barker retired that Trebek finally won.
We'd totally bust any Cash Cab records. I'm always on the lookout for that cab in the city. But, if we found it, I'd have him take us to Brooklyn via Canal st. and the Manhattan Bridge. We'd be stuck in traffic forever. Then, we'd make a killing.
And Matt, don't hate on Virgil's. I'm a Southerner too, (I grew up on Pierce's BBQ in Williamsburg) and I think it's some of the best I've ever had.
love me some Cash Cab as well!!
tough 5FF this week...
1. Lawrence Welk
2. Steve Allen
3. the CIA
4. Pompeii
5. the Opossum
from the kc--
Five for Friday - Stupid Answers Division:
Good job Todd! - for tying all the questions to The Beatles!
1. what former boxer and sportswriter hosted a sunday evening variety
hour for 24 years?
Ed Sullivan, who also had a song about him in Bye Bye Birdie sung by
Paul Lynde. (Ed was also in the movie. He also knew the Beatles.)
2. in it's original incarnation, who was the host of jeopardy?
Art Fleming. He watched the Beatles on Ed Sullivan.
3. creator of the dating game and the newlywed game, and creator/host
of the gong show, chuck barris also claimed to be working for who?
The CIA. They definitely knew the Beatles. Or at least one of them...
4. what city was buried under ash and debris after the eruption of
mount vesuvius?
Pompeii. Named after the actress on Gray's Anatomy who used to write
letters to George.
5. what is the only marsupial indigenous to north america?
Joe Supial. Neighbor to John Lennon when he lived in the Village in
the '70s. All of the other Supials were originally from Australia.
My fantasy is having a comic published by Marvel or DC, but I'd take Cash Cab in a minute if you and Scott were with me.
On to the 5 for Friday.
Ed Sullivan.
Don't Know.
Opossum - via my buddy Bill.
That's my Five from beautiful downtown Toronto while waiting for the Fan Expo to open to see if J. Scott Campbell was able to get to me on his list.
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