happy last day of 2008!
goodbye, 2k8--thanks for being a good year!
here's to all the best for all of YOU in 2009!
and thanks to you all for being such loyal friends and readers!

here at perhapanauts central, we're working on figuring out a way to get the book out on SOME kind of regular schedule, be that month-and-a-halfly or bi-monthly or whatever. as you know, perhapanauts no.5 is at the printer and being printed riiiiiiiight...now. no, now. nnnnnnow. anyway, it should finally be on shelves in a few weeks and it is just full of surprises! perhapanauts 6--originally scheduled to be our halloween special (the best laid plans...)--is now on track to be on stands in late february, with our first image trade coming out in march collecting the annual, issues 1-5, and the monster pile-up story!
we're hoping to make 2009 a great year for the perhapanauts! hope you'll join us!

so enjoy that crazy new years eve party tonight! drive and party safe! call me if you need a ride home (except you, ernie, you're too far a way. call a cab. or better yet, call a tow truck; that way your car will be there in the morning!)

happy new year!
smell ya later!
Hear, hear, looking forward to 2009 with hopes that more people discover the 'Haps.
As for the schedule, any time I can get me some new 'Haps is a good time and Halloween in February sounds like just what the doctor ordered.
Thanks for sharing the great baby New Year images, Todd.
I hope everybody has a great New Year's Eve and best wishes for health and happiness in 2009
Todd, Haps' New Year to you, too! Hope '09 is full of merriment, excitement, and other positive words that end in e-n-t.
Looking forward to reading all the excting stories you have planned for the new year.
Happy New Year Todd!!!
Happy New Year to you and Craig!
And great choices... JC Leyendecker did some amazing art for the Saturday Evening Post... His Babies looked so round, love his stuff!
I'm looking forward to new issues of my favorite paranormal task force in 2009!
And shouldn't it be Perhappy New Year? Or at least 'Happy New Year?
Looking forward to the new year and some new 'Haps action!
Everybody have a fun and safe time tonight!
No fear! The plan is to charm someone ELSE into driving...or just plan to sleep under the nearest table.
Happy New Year everybody! May all your resolutions last longer than, say, a week...
Per-happist of new year wishes to one and all!
I can't wait to read the perhaps whenever they come out - just as long as they keep coming!! :-D
Stay safe. Stay happy. May your friends and loved ones always be close, if not in distance, than at least in heart. See you all in 2009!
Happiest New Year to all.
Matt- Going for private pilot for now.
Happy New Year, Todd. Looking forward to more 'Haps in 2009!
for one reason or another, blogger isn't letting me post today's blog.
i've been fighting it for over an hour.
maybe i'll just put the post here...
Perhaps Blogger is still on vacation?
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