the arrival of a new little brother for gretchen and hank in the summer of 93 gave us a new dynamic in the house and a new dynamic to play with on the christmas card. a jack russell terrier, jake was full of energy and incredibly tenacious, a little ball of lightning that kept us all on our toes. gretchen did her best to keep him under control, but even then, he was a handful! i wanted to have the three of them christmas carolling so that they could really introduce their new brother and nicole came up with the inside punch line.
this is still one of my favorites and really set the tone for all the other cards to come.
smell ya later!
The introduction of Jake alone was enough to make this one my favorite, but the sight of all three at the front door and the great joke on the inside really makes this one the card to beat.
Thanks for the holiday cheer, Todd.
ahhhhhh .. I love it! what a treat in deed! :-)
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