well, i certainly hope you all survived christmas.
we did, barely.
lots of running around like crazy picking up last minute gifts and then running around like crazy to spend the early part of the day with sharon's family and then the later part with mine. we gave my brother an ipod so now he's part of the gang, and we gave my nephew call of duty 4, so there are some battles in my future. jake got to have prime rib with grampa, so he was in heaven.
favorite gifts?
is anybody going to play this?
let's everybody log in with their favorite gifts this year!
mine was...oh, how do i choose? i got some nice clothes. and a bunch of cool dvds. and some awesome (sean "cheeks" galloway designed) spectacular spider-man figures! and sharon got me an ipod dock!
and matt and suzanne sent me this awesome book called monster hunt, a guide to cryptozoology. it covers crazy cryptids from six of the seven continents (so far, antarctica has yet to log in...) and, while i knew most, there are a couple of new ones in there that just might find their way into the perhapanauts.
thanks, you guys! awesome present!
speaking of matt--and you should be speaking of him since he an d christian will have, not only a story, but a cover on the upcoming perhapanauts no.7--have you been over to matt's blog lately? if not, you're missing out on some fantastic artwork and THIS great holiday banner...! i love it so much, i stole it and put it here!

to see more of matt's stuff and catch up on his blog, go to;
and here, because i'm not ready for christmas to be over just yet, are a few happy holiday images for you to enjoy...

gotta go!
smell ya later!
favorite gift... I got a series of "untold stories" one on Presidents, one on Wars, and one generic "bet ya didn't know" stories. I'm half way through the President book, really cool stuff.
Thanks, Todd. And thanks again for the Gogos book. I'm really digging it and brought it in to work with me today. We've been passing it around.
I got some great books and movies and some gift cards. A great game (LEFT 4 DEAD) from Christian that I can't wait to try. But I think my favorite gift was from Suzanne. She sneakily got me the INCREDIBLE HULK COMPLETE SERIES DVD set after insisting she didn't. I'm going to enjoy every minute of that. Thanks, sweetie!
Let's see, got some great art this year.
My sweetie did a beautiful job getting my Tim Sale "Kitty" serigraph framed, my sister got me a gorgeous "Nathalia" from Blacksad by Sean McManus and my mother got me a Justin Coffee sketch book with an original hand-painted bookplate inside. The new art can be seen at my CAF gallery under Mulcahy. You will also see the best gift I gave this year, a water color of our first cat, Sabrina, by Lea Hernandez that I gave to my sweetie.
The most fun gift I got this year, however, was a Hallmark Star Trek Communicator Ornament with about a dozen voice clips from the original cast.
Cool, Brian! That's the only Christmas ornament I've ever wanted to buy for myself! I played with that thing in the Hallmark store forever until I thought I was going to get thrown out. If it was a little larger, I'd buy it, pull the hanging hook off and walk around with it.
I got a lot of nice gifts this year. Some books and DVDs I wanted, and Rod also had someone knit me a 7-foot scarf like the one Tom Baker wore in the classic Doctor Who series. My parents got us Rockband 2 for the Wii which has been monopolizing a lot of our time lately (I am pretty mean on drums).
I think the present that meant the most to us this year is something I splurged on for myself and Rod. I managed to find a copy of the children's book Peter Cushing wrote and illustrated called The Bois Saga. Our copy is one of the rare ones he managed to sign before he passed away later that year, so it means a lot. The guy was pretty damned amazing.
My favorite gift may have to be my 3 year old son's Imaginext Batcave! It is friggin' sweet.
Gretchen really loved the Hippo print that we got from Leanne (thanks Leanne, after missing it at Heroes she never thought she'd get it)... it was supposed to be from me but my daughter insisted that she give it to her.
We are in the middle of moving so I was anxious about Christmas, but everything came together and we had a great time. No snow, however, for sunny Savannah.
Regarding Rock Band... I'd love to see a throwdown of sorts at Heroes. Leanne on Drums, Matt on Guitar, Todd on Vocals, Craig on Bass... PerhapaRocks???
Yesterday was my birthday, so betweent the two days, I've gotten some pretty decent stuff -- Essential Savage Sword of Conan, Batman the Long Halloween Collector Set, two pounds of sugar-coated roasted pecans, the Hawkman Companion, a nifty hoodie, and the Encyclopedia of Haunted Places (which has an entry for the Spencer Mountain Mansion which is about five miles from my house :) ).
Hey perhapaTodd,
Those pictures are awesome. Is that a real snow sculpture of Santa? That thing looks huge.
Diggin' the Were-Santa banner on Matt's site.
I got a couple of gift cards (visa, barnes&noble, etc),
but the coolest would have to be the pilot's logbook and kneeboard from my roommates (I had just signed up to start ground school in January).
I'm with Dewback13 on that perhapaRocks @ Heroes.
Hope you all have a great new year!
That's cool, Emilio! You going for a commercial license or just private?
Leanne! That Who scarf gift must be very cool (or warm?) That's something I'd like to get myself.
The best gift this year (since it was kind of a tighter than usual Christmas spending season this year) was the new surround sound system my wife and I bought for each other. Spidey and the Hulk and Iron Man sound awe-some!
The second coolest gifts were the Mighty Mugg StormTrooper and Grey Iron Man my kids got me.
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